Tending Wounds

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We were standing arm in arm, in the shadows, out side of the secret door to the Lair. It was the first time I had left the house & come back, since I'd been home & as Donatello pushed the false wall away, he glanced over at me with a mischievous grin. He began counting out an equation devised for the sequence, to unlock the door. Before he had gotten halfway through; I recognized it, undeniably. 

"It's my birth date?"

"So you would always have the key...if you ever decided to come home."

It was a way we had used to come up with formulas as teenagers, to create numerical combinations for codes & passwords. As I counted it out in my head, while he showed me the order of pushes & pulls on the lever; it became ironic & bittersweet rather than romantic. I literally had the key to the front door, the whole time; I was the key. I leaned my head on him & laid my hand on his shell. How we had thought we were clever, when these codes were a needed constance & changed endlessly, but now it was used as a reminder to him; when ever any of them came & went, that I existed somewhere in the world. Somewhere away from home; where they couldn't know if I was ok.

My hand brushed against something rough & wet on his shell.


"Donnie! Your shell!"

"Yeah...I don't think it's bad but I hit the rocks in the tunnel pretty hard."

We could hear disgruntled yelling as we opened the second door, into the small entry way. Raphael was carrying on & sounded extremely irritated, barking at someone.

"Hana! Lay down, now!"

"Hima dakara, geemu shite mo ii?" We could make out Fern begging & Flower whining.

"Itai! omae! Kankei nai! Raph growled back at them both. "Shida! No! It's almost ten at night!"

We walked around the corned to see both of the girls wrapped around their father, as he stood just inside of the great room. One was draped over his arm, practically upside down & the other; thrown over his great big shoulder with her butt in the air.

He looked up as he caught sight of us & snarled, dangerously mad; "You! I am sooo done with the both of you! I mean done!" He sat the girls down & snapped at them;"Ii kagen ni shiro!" He set his sights back on us as the girls whimpered off hand in hand to the couch. "Ughh, hara ga tatsu!" I came back to Shida going on about nail polish & now there's red paint all over my god damn bed. Mona puked cuz it smells so strong!" He gestured angrily towards the girls, who sat watching their father yell at us; "Ikari shinto ni hassuru." My baby flower won't stop crying because Yoshi freaking told her YOU", he shouted directly at me; "aren't coming back! You've been gone for almost three hours!"

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