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It was Jeno birthday today and Hyemi and the others planned to throw a surprise birthday on him at his house.

So Jeno and Jaemin went out while they were decorating Jeno's house.

While they were trying to find places to pop out of to surprise Jeno, Jaemin suddenly called Hyemi and Hyemi picked up.

"Ayo wassup"

"Ay, Are you guys ready? We're
about to head home."

"Yeah, we're just finding hiding spots."

"Okay, be quick. Byebye"

"Okay, Byee"

Hyemi hung up and shouted "Guys hurry up, they're on the way here." and everyone quickly find their places and found and Hyemi went to the kitchen and grabbed the cake.

15 minutes later, they heard a car pull up and they quickly hid in their places. They heard the door knob twisting and once they heard the door open and the light turning on, everyone jumped out of their places and shouted "SURPRISE! HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY JENO" and everyone started singing happy birthday while Hyemi went out of the kitchen and a cake with lighted up candles on her hands while she walked to Jeno.

When the song ended, Hyemi said "Hurry up, blow on the candles before Chenle tries to." and Jeno quickly blew on the candles.

"I thought you all forgot my birthday.." Jeno said and Renjun said "We would never."

"Awww thanks guys." Jeno thanked them and Jaemin said "Don't thank us, this was all Hyemi's plan, she even made the cake and food." and Jeno hugged and said "Thanks Hyem, I'm really glad to have a bestfriend like you, I love you bestfriend."

Hyemi hugged him back and said "Welcome." and they pulled away and Jisung took the cake from Hyemi and the boys went to the dining area and Hyemi just stood there, wishing that Jeno's 'I love you' meant something else.

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