Chapter 21

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I opened my eyes to a sleeping Dax. I turned to the crib to see a wide awake Alex. He was calm, looking around, absorbing his surroundings with such bright grey eyes. He looked toward me, letting out a small shriek and smiling, revealing a dimple. I smiled, moving a leg and wincing as the pain hit me. I gritted my teeth, but moved my leg to the side of the bed. I inhaled sharply before moving my other leg, wincing.

"Love? What do you think you're doing?" a sleepy Dax spoke. I turned to see him on his feet. He quickly approached me and set me down on the bed. I motioned toward the crib.

"Our little Alex is awake," I murmured. He turned to Alex, who was looking intently at us.

"Hey little guy," he said, pivoting and walking toward the crib, which was only a few feet away from the bed. I watched as he picked Alex up with great care. He brought him toward me and set him in my arms. I smiled as he leant down and kissed me.

"I love you," I said against his lips. He smiled.

"I love you, too. All three of you," he replied before pulling away. Another shriek had us turning to the crib. Alexia was awake. "There's my little princess," Dax said, going and picking Alexia up. He walked toward us and sat on the other side of the bed. We both laid back, the babies making little adorable sounds. Dax chuckled. "See, love," he turned to me, "they just needed their mommy," he said, leaning toward me and kissing my head. I nodded, smiling and inhaling his scent as my eyes closed briefly. I opened them as I felt my dad approach.

"Come in, dad. No need to knock," I said. My dad came in, a small smile gracing his lips as he noticed me and the twins.

"My baby girl is finally awake," he said, walking toward me and kissing my cheek, then bending lower and kissing Alex on the head. Our little Alex giggled, making my dad chuckle. He went toward Dax and bent low, kissing Alexia, who looked up at him with curiosity. "And my beautiful princess," he said. "Dax, shall we have a word?" Dad said, looking at Dax with a serious expression. My mind immediately clicked.

"Whatever it is can be said in front of me," I quickly butted in. My dad whipped his head to look at me with a raised eyebrow.


"Don't even try it. Look how that ended the last time you did," the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. I saw the hurt in his eyes. The damage was already done.

"Alessa-" I shook my head at my dad, quickly shutting him up.

"Don't. The next words that come out of your mouth better be an explanation of what's going on between the two of you," I said. Alex let out a small whine and squirmed in my arms. I lulled him slightly, trying to calm him. "Hush, baby. It's okay-"

"Is it really? Because you fighting to the death in a few weeks doesn't seem like it's okay," Dax spoke lowly. I looked at him. He had an unreadable expression, his free hand clenching into a fist.

"We already went over this-"

"No, Alessa. You explained what was gonna happen. I never agreed. As your mate, I have the right to make these decisions. Don't you think? I mean it's the least you can do after all that I've done for you," Dax said, glaring, although not toward me. I glared at him.

"Last I checked, I have the power to make whatever decisions that deal with me. So-"

"It's not all about you. You're not even thinking about your kids," he raised his voice. Alexia whined and squirmed in his arms, Alex followed. My eyes softened and my retort died in my throat.

"Dad, could you take them for a bit?" I asked.

"Of course," my dad said. He took Alex from me. I sensed Dani and Selden nearby. They entered, since the door was ajar. "Son, take the little princess--have you chosen names?" he abruptly asked. I nodded.

"Alexia Daxella and Alex Daxel Vitale," Dax quickly spoke. My dad nodded as Selden took Alexia from Dax. They left quickly, sensing the tension in the room. I sat up, turning to Dax.

"So you were planning to leave without telling me?" I winced as my chest began to burn. Dax was at my feet in seconds. I raised my hand to stop him. "Answer me," I said. He sighed, cupping my cheek.

"Do you honestly think I'm gonna do absolutely nothing while you fight to the death? I'm not about to lose you again, damn it!" he said. "I love you. Baby, I need you...we need you," hr begged, gripping both of my hands. I could only observe as he kissed the back of my hands and tears formed in his eyes.

"You can't fight a vampire. Not André or anyone for that matter. Have you forgotten that they're your weakness?" I asked, meeting his eyes.

"If that's the only way to protect you, I'll do it. That's what my job is, love. It's always been about protecting you, and it is not gonna change," he said.

"Can't you see you're not my protector anymore? You're my mate, my kids' father. They need you alive-"

"They need you alive as well. Look at you. You just woke up from a coma a couple of hours ago. You're in pain and you're still planning on fighting. Is that really a wise choice?" he asked.

"She was trying to turn Selden against me. She was pretty much trying to kill him! I'm not going to stand and watch who she tries to hurt next," I sighed, leaning back and wincing at the wave of pain in my chest.

"Let me help you with something, love. Let me fight for you, for our babies," he pleaded, kissing my hands again.

"Our babies, protect them. She's going to try to go after them, take them from me. She knows they'll be the most powerful beings, the most powerful rulers," I said. Dax growled lowly.

"She's taking no one!" he growled out.

"Alessa!" Dani burst through the door full of panic. I sat up quickly, sensing something wrong. "The babies!" she yelled in panic. I was on my feet in minutes and so was Dax. I rushed out, ignoring the pain.

"Where are they?!" I practically yelled. She nodded toward Selden's room. We rushed toward it, the door being wide open. The scene before me froze me in place. Alex was in the air above my dad who was struggling to breathe. Alexia was above Selden, who was knocked out. I rushed toward Alex. "Baby, listen to me. No one is going to hurt you, Alex. Mommy is here, love. That's your grandpa, baby. You're hurting him," I said. He began to cry and began falling. I jumped toward him, catching him in my arms as he wailed and gripped my shirt. I winced as my head, chest and stomach almost had me doubling over.

"Alexia, baby girl. It's daddy. I'm here princess. No one's gonna hurt you, I promise," I heard Dax. I got up slowly, cradling Alex into my chest, gritting my teeth at the pain of doing so. I turned to see Dax catch Alexia, who wailed and squirmed. Dax lulled her and kissed her, calming her wailing in seconds. I caressed Alex, speaking soothing words to him. He quickly calmed as I kissed his head. Dax offered to take them, while I tended to my dad. His color jad returned and his breathing was close to normal. I painfully healed his bruised neck, feeling dizzy. My dad's breathing returned to normal. I turned to Selden who was being held by Dani. I walked slowly toward him. I lay a hand over his chest. He woke up gasping for air, and Dani took over. I stumbled a little. I felt my dad steady me and set me down on the bed.

"It's time," I muttered.

"Time for what?" Dax asked. I looked up at him, all emotion drained from my voice.

"Time to fight my dear sister," I said.


So what do ya think?


Even though this story is done, I still would like feedback

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