Chapter 11

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Two hours later

Puerto Lobos at night was an interesting yet intimidating place, depending on which side of the rather small town you were wandering around. On the south-west, streets and avenues were full of booming nightclubs, bars and cafés. The cheerful energy could be felt nearly anywhere. But, on the other side of this town it was nothing like that, not at all. Instead of cheerful energy the sense of dread, danger and insecurity hung in the air. Yeah the east-coast of Puerto Lobos wasn't all fun and games. It was known to include one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods, if not, the most dangerous neighbourhood. The lights were out, the streets were empty and not a single sound could be heard, except for the distant gunshots, police sirens and engine noises.

Most people avoided this part of the small mexican town, especially at night. But Daniel Diaz was most certainly not 'most people' and he couldn't probably care any less about the high crime rate this neighbourhood held. As a matter of fact the teenage boy was pretty much involved in crimes, though he wasn't proud of it, he just did what he had to do. Still, because of his criminal record he was quite known amongst the lawbreakers, though they didn't know him by his real name. On the streets people referred to him as "the lone wolf" or "lobo blanco" due to his extremely light bleached hair, and because the boy seemed to be more of a loner. Unlike most of the towns criminals he never joined any group or gang, but then again, he simply wasn't like most people. One day he just showed up, nobody knew the 10-year-old boy back then and nobody cared about him, he was a nobody. But things changed.

Daniel wasn't popular, on the opposite, he was very much disliked and gained himself a load of hatred enemies throughout the years. Even though people didn't like him they had a certain amount of respect for the young gangster. When he was just twelve he had beaten a famous wrestler in a competition and won a huge prize. One year later he managed to rob a bank without any loaded weapons, not just any bank but, the central bank. Then, another year after that, at the age of fourteen, he helped an infamous gang to raid the hideout of another gang. There were rumors about him... that he had some sort of power, but there was no proof. Some people believed those rumors but most of them didn't until the mysterious boy had to prove 'em wrong, just like tonight.

1:47 AM

It was pretty late, way past midnight, when the sixteen-year-old checked his phone. Yesterday... yesterday had been.. different, he thought. The american girl was still on his mind, he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her family, or if she even had any..

(Y/n) had told him about how long she's been here and the difficulties she has with adapting and with the language. But she didn't mention why she came to Mexico in the first place, which isn't to blame. After all, they didn't really know each other but he could tell something was off. Daniel couldn't deny the fact that he was curious. He didn't dare to ask the new girl about her family, just because he knew exactly how much such a question could trigger in a person. Even though, deep down he knew that wasn't the only reason, deep down the boy had to admit that the truth was that he was afraid, afraid that the girl would return this terribly personal question.

All of a sudden his thoughts were interrupted by a clicking sound, before he could even react though he felt a strong hit on the back of his head, a violently pulsating pain made itself noticeable immediately.

,,Argh.. fuck." The sixteen-year-old mumbled while holding his head with one hand and trying to lift himself up with the other.

,,No te muevas." A deep raspy voice said. ,,Or I'll say it in English for you, don't fucking move Gringo."

Slowly the boy lifted his head, still in pain he tried to recognize the man in front of him, which wasn't easy. His vision was still blurry, this guy had almost knocked him out. After a few seconds Daniel could see that there were two men in front of him, the one who spoke had a gun pointed right at him, the other one was standing a little behind with a baseball bat, shit.

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