Chapter Seventeen

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THE DARK HAIRED boy stood at the doorway. He stood still, calm and collected, that you could not even see his breathing or the small gasp that escaped his mouth. There was only the flicker of his eyes that darted between both Sam and me.

"June? Sam?"

Sebastian's face held nothing to indicate what he was feeling. But it was his eyes that betrayed him. If they were like purple waters, then tides were crashing back and forth in them.

After a few moments of bewilderment, he finally got out, "Why are you in Abigail's room? Why was he trying to stop me from coming here?" Sebastian jabbed a finger behind him. Standing there a few feet away was Alex, face red and waving his arms around in warning.

"So much for keeping watch," sighed Sam from behind me.

Sebastian looked firmly to Sam with narrowed eyes. But that was just it – his gaze was only focused on Sam. He didn't bother to spare me a second glance. The first few seconds of recognition moments ago had diminished like a kindled fire.

Maybe this was the feeling that Sebastian always felt with being alone: knowing you are unwanted, unseen, invisible. I always thought this was nice, not being the centre of attention, but suddenly the feeling felt like a sharp tear ripping through me.

I wanted him to look at me. I wanted him to face me. Even the smallest look or any gesture would satisfy me.

But he didn't.

"What are you doing here?" he repeated again. "Does Abby even know you're here?"

Sam was silent. His face looked conflicted as though he was fighting something within him. I couldn't blame him–this was the first time seeing Sebastian after hearing the news. Inside he was betrayed for not knowing sooner; outside he looked on the verge of giving in to his temptations.

And to my surprise, Sam did give in this waging battle. Sam, his best friend, his partner in crime, the shining sun that matched with the pale moon. Sam, the boy that he grew alongside with, the one that would give goofy advice but would be serious when needed, stared coldly at Sebastian.

Sebastian noticed. His mouth opened slightly; his shoulders went rigid. "Sam?"

The blonde boy shoved past him hard, knocking Sebastian to the side. "The real question is, what are you doing here, Sebastian? Isn't one of the town's crappy traditions you can't see your bride before the wedding?"

There was bitterness laced in his voice as he walked over to Alex. His back was to us but I didn't doubt he was doing this to hide his emotions.

"I know, but.. I needed to talk to Abby," said Sebastian.

"She's not here. I thought you would know that already, you know, being engaged to her and all."

This caught Sebastian off guard, for suddenly he couldn't utter out a reply, and seemingly forgot about the reason why he confronted us. "I... Sam—"

"You should have told me about it. You always tell me everything." Sam's back was still to us. It seemed as though there was an invisible wall wedged between the two, and as time passed, was slowly pulling them farther and farther apart.

"I was going to but–"

Sam finally turned to give his friend one last look. A sad smile formed on his face, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Forget it. Worry about yourself more than me. I'm just your third wheel, right?"

Sebastian didn't reply.

"See you at the wedding, Seb."

Both Sam and Alex left with the slam of the door. Only silence remained, filling the space around us. It was so thick that not even the scurry of mice on the wooden floorboards could be heard.

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