Chapter 6

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Specially requested by: @SimonTewGeeKheng
Nope nope nope I was DEADLY wrong when I thought those three are gonna be my friends.

"Today is the Lantern Festival, so we're going the annual Lantern Fair. There I answered your question now gimme back my phone." Tired of arguing, Jackson finally explained as he extended his hand.

"Whyyyy Jackie~~ you just ruined all the funnnn!" Roy whined.

Wait...Jackie? Awh how cute<3 hahaha omg I have to control my laughter, Jackson will kill me for sure if I laughed out loud.

"What am I suppose to do?! Grandma over there threatened me with my phone :/" He complained.

..... It took some time for me to process this but...DID HE JUST CALL ME A GRANDMA?!?!?! Before I could react though, Karry took over.

"AHAHAHHAHAHAHA good one Jack! Oh look she's mad! Ahaha that just made my day!!" And here we go again *rolls eyes* like seriously can he ever stop being mean? To me?!

I can't take it anymore, I grabbed Lucy's wrist with my free hand and started walking away from those three. Though I stopped short when I remembered something. I turned back to face Jackson and handed him his phone harshly. He seems surprised. Well whatever.

We walked front and the guys followed not far behind. I intended to keep the distance for two reasons. First, I don't want to walk with them anymore because they are too annoying and they always make fun of me. Second, well I just don't want to be seen with them too much, the death glares I'm getting are too intense.

"So, tell me about this Lantern Fair! I've never heard of it. What do we do when we get there? And where on earth is it!? And is it fun? Why are you guys taking me?" I turned to my left, where Lucy is walking beside me as soon as we are out of the guys hearing range. and it seems like all the questions I've been holding inside me finally escaped my mouth.

"Haha slow down Dianne! Ok so it's a fair we go every year, it's really fun! It used to be just the guys and me, and as for why we're taking you, well, I was going to ask you but of course Karry got to it before I did. " and she winked.

"Wha-what?! No no no he probably just wanted to bring me so he could make fun of me and laugh at me." I quickly explained. It's true. I know it. He just wanted someone he can toy with. But I blushed nonetheless.

"Heh~ doesn't seem like that to me~"
"We're here!"

I stopped in front of the entrance to have a good look at everything. The place seems to be rather glamorous, with the lanterns illuminating the dark night. People rushing about, filling their mouths with delicious looking foods. Kids running from this stand to that stand, busying themselves with activities. Everyone has a genuine smile plastered across their faces, they all look so happy.

"Woawww" I exclaimed in awe

"Yeah. Thought you would like it." The person gave me a slight push. Who- "And stop smiling like an idiot." ok I think I know who it is now.

"Karry?! Wait. Where are the others?" I looked around only to find that they all vanished.

"Roy said he smelled something delicious and stormed off, Jackson ran after him. Lucy didn't say anything and ran off with heart-shaped eyes, probably saw some hot dudes. *rolls eyes* well whatever. None of my business." he said as he continued walking, "If you don't want to get lost, stay close to me."

I quickly ran after him and soon we blended into the crowd.
I've actually decided not to write this story anymore but YEA ITS BACK! Special thanks to @SimonTewGeeKheng for encouraging me to continue writing it just by commenting and voting<3 it means a lot! AND THANK YOU ALL FOR STILL READING IT AND SUPPORTING ME! And I apologize for not updating for soooooo long! Ok bye now~

P.S. Next chap on its way~~~~

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