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We slink quietly into the mall through one of the back entrances. You'd think that with a mall as fancy and popular as this one, they'd have better security. But no-o.

'Which shop are we going to today? Aniya?' I ask.


I whirl around, not wanting to even entertain the thought. But I don't have to entertain it, because she's done exactly what I thought she wouldn't dare to do.

"I knew it. I knew it. I told her not to, but did she listen?" Ezrafil starts ranting, which he does only when he's stressed or afraid.

I understand, though. There are people who look for children like us. They put us in cages and sell us off to the highest bidder. Then we are worked for the rest of our lives, or until they get tired of us. Then they "do away" with us.

I don't even want to start with the police.

We decide to split up. It will be easier, but also more dangerous. We won't be able to warn the other in case of danger.

"Come here if you find her. I'll be back in a short bit." I say, and then we part ways.

I decide to start in the area farthest from where I am. It should be the pastry store. Aniya always likes to watch the bakers do their work, even though the food makes her hunger.

As I am walking towards my current destination, I see a boy. Yes, there are plenty of other boys and men in the crowd, but he stands out so much, I wonder how I could have missed him before.

His hair is black, a black that I have never seen before, even though I am well acquainted with the color. It's long and hangs just past his face. His eyes are a bit narrowed, and I notice that they are two different colors. One is the green of forest trees, and the other one is a white I have never seen. I think he might be blind of that eye.


There we go! Am I forgiven?

Children of The All and NoneWhere stories live. Discover now