Untitled Part 3

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Hi, Neci speaking this time, and as I was resting that night, I thought about these two seemly protectors and wondered what kind of help could they do for Violet. Hmm. Also, I wondered what kind of person Violet is and if these guardians can really be of help to her. They seem to know a lot about people and how they feel, but that doesn't fly with me. Violet needs real help from an actual doctor.... Like, Sharon! Yeah. He can help her and ask her questions. But.... How will Tendance feel about it? I need a doctor to help her. I went to Tendance and Sharon asked them about my idea and Tendance said,"Are you sure about this, Neci? I mean, we only just met her yesterday and we barely know anything about her."then Sharon said,"And, I'll need to spend a lot of time with her and ask her lots of questions. What I do know, Neci, is that she obliviously has an identity crisis, and she could possibly not be feeling comfortable with who she currently is. I'll need to talk to her privately if Violet is ok with that. I'll also need to talk to guard-"but I said,"No. They don't need to get involved. They may think of themselves as helpers, protectors, and "guides" for the "lost ones", but they are not qualified for something this complex. I'd rather you do it, Sharon. Are you willing to do it? "then Sharon thought about it for a second, then said,"I'll do what I can, Neci, but I can't make any promises. Most of what she's going through, she'll have to learn on her own.".

We started looking for Violet and we saw her with the guardians, and we saw them in their big dojo with Alasdair talking to Violet. From what I could tell, he was teaching her how to focus her energy into spells; something Laben used to teach me. I looked around and saw Mindy tending to the plants and trimming some of the taller trees; I can only assume for safety so no branches will fall on the dojo. We walked to them and I immediately said,"Violet, we need to talk. "and she looked at me a lil confused, then Alasdair looked at me cautiously and Mindy came to us, then I said,"I want my doctor to help you, Violet, I don't think these... guardians have the qualifications to help you understand what your identity is. What you are going through is a complex and difficult manner, and I don't want these two-bit crackpots screwing around with you like you're a lab rat!". As I said this, Violet then went into thought and looked at Alasdair, and asked,"Are you really here to help me, Alasdair?",and he was about to speak, but then Mindy said,"Yes, Violet. We are here to help you, and-"then Alasdair said,"Yes, but it is your choice to stay with us. We can't force you to stay here or make you understand us. You are free to use one of the bedrooms as a temporary office."

Mindy quickly looked at Alasdair and said,"But, Alasdair, you're... We're suppose to help her! We ar- "then he interrupted her and said,"I know, Mindy, but my choice to let the doctor help her is final. "then Mindy yelled,"Why?! What could she possibly learn from him? We can teach her about herself. We know just as much as he does. "then, thinking I should challenge them, I asked Mindy,"Then you know what Violet's problem is, right?"then she said,"Well.... No. I need to spend time with her. I need to learn about her."suddenly, Alasdair said,"Then tell me, Mindy, what is Dyslexia? "then she looked at him confused, then said,"That's a reading disorder. Why you asking me this?"then he asked,"Do you know what Parkinson's disease?"then she got defensive and asked,"Why you bombarding me with these questions?"then I said,"He just wants to prove to you that you are not doctors, and shouldn't be trying to care for illnesses you don't know about. You maybe a caretaker, Mindy, but you are not a doctor."then she looked at me, after a few minutes started to walk outside, then looked at Alasdair, and said,"Come, Alasdair. If we are gonna truly help guide people, we'll need to start training.". At first, Alasdair walked to her, but then he held his staff and slowly shook his head, She then sadly sighed, then walked away.

I looked at him, feeling confused then asked,"Why didn't you go with her? You can go out, help people, and get proper training.",but instead of answering, he just turned away, but I grabbed him but the arm, and said,"Hey! Answer me!",but, he just tried walk away from me, but i held tight, and said,"Hey! What's wrong with you, Alasdair? Why won't you go out with Mindy and see the world? Travel and learn new things. It's must be more interesting than being stuck here all alone. Why isolate yourself so much? Aren't you feeling lonely or depres-"suddenly, someone came into the room and it was some robin hood looking guy, and I asked,"Who ar- Wait! Are you an elf?" then he lightly bowed and said,"Yes, ma'am. I am King Para Wanbe Piovich, king of the elf village." then I said,"I figured 'cause of the ears. So, what are you doing here, Para? Shouldn't you be taking care of your subjects?".

He looked at me a lil surprised at first; guess he's never seen a royal being so forward, but then he smiled then said,"My village is not very far from here. I only come over to check on Alasdair and... Where is Mindy, Alasdair? "then I said as I crossed my arms,"She left. She went out to explore the world. "then Para looked at me confused then said,"But, why, Miss.. "then I said,"Princess Neci Mose, Sir Para. Because she realized she needs to understand people before she can give a diagnosis of someone. But, Alasdair still refuses to damn leave. "and I looked at him staring off into space. I then asked,"Have you tried getting him to leave his home, Para?"and as he stroked his fingers through his hair, he said,"Well, I've offered many times for them to come join my village and live in my home, but he always says no. I guess there's really nothing we can do. We must let him live in his life of loneliness and fear.",then Para looked at me and Violet then said,"You're welcomed to stay at my kingdom so you can help your new patient, Doctor Parker. "then I looked at Sharon and Tendance and asked,"Is that okay with you two? I'm sure Para won't mind that you two are gay."then Para looked at me with a tilt to his head, and asked,"Gay, Neci? "then I looked at him and said,"Come on. You don't know what gay means? "then he replied,"I know it means happy, but.. "then I guess he noticed they was holding hands, then he said,"Oh. You're homosexuals. Yeah, I don't mind at all. Some of the people in my village are homosexuals, too. "then Tendance asked,"Gay isn't used as slang in your home?".

Para said,"No, Tendance. We may have been a scared of it at first when it started to appear, and questioned it at first, but many of my people fought for their rights to be who they want to love, and even used evidences in which some of our doctors studied animals and found that even they were homosexuals, too. So, after a while it just became normal for us. "then he said,"Gay never came to mind when my parents was alive, and it only means happy here. But, enough about me, Doctor. You are welcome to start right now, unless Violet wishes to wait until tomorrow.". Then I looked at Violet and noticed she had fallen asleep, then I said, "I guess all this excitement wore her out, Para. "then Para said,"I guess so. If it's ok with you, Lady Neci, I would like Tendance and Sharon to stay at my home, so when she wakes up you can get started on helping her.".

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