Jurdan Mortal World- Fluff

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This is my first Jurdan fanfic, my second fanfic of my entire life. Please rate my story and give feedback. Jurdan are waaaaay tame in here, so sorry if I cann't do them justice with their snarky replies and sarcasm, not really that witty myself. So, here goes. By the way, Holly Black's QON is epic epic epic, and I was so satisfied and damn pleased with it so please, if you haven't read it, just close out this poor fic and go read it NOW!!! Ok. Sorry about that, but this entire world and Jude and Cardan and Vivi, Oak, Heather, Roach, Bomb, and most of the other characters belong to Holly Black, and this fic will borrow a lot of stuff from the books. Now that's out of the way, here's my first Jurdan fic. I'm sorry if I go back and forth with POV or tenses.

Jude paced back and forth anxiously along her turquoise pattered rug, twisting her ruby ring around her ring finger. She walked in to the kitchen to glance at the clock on the microwave. 12:56. When were they going to arrive?! Was she really expected to wait up for them? She let out and ear splitting yawn wandered over to the fridge. She let out and ear splitting yawn wandered over to the fridge. She pulled it open to light up the kitchen and pulled out a tub of Ben and Jerry's from the freezer.  Then she grabbed the cream waffle knit throw to wrap around herself from where it was artfully draped across the couch and reclined against the cabinet wall at her back with a sigh.She pulled out her phone, and dialed Eden.

"Hi. Where are you?",she asked curtly. She hissed at the reply,"We're about an hour away,"Alright, I'll turn on the back porch light, and hey,------she hesitated. "Call me when you're ten mins away, yeah?" "Ok" she clicked off the phone and set a twenty min timer. She closed the fridge and wandered into the her bedroom, caressing the sheets she never slept on. How could she? The king-sized bed reminded her too much of Cardan. She wandered over to her closet and opened one of her chests, slipping on a pair of white fuzzy socks and a t-shirt. She doubled-checked the linens and towels in the closet. She crouched down to inhale her ridiculously huge assorted collection of hand-made soaps and infused oils. It smelled like a little bit of home, not that Jude would ever admit that to anyone.

She closed her eyes and curled up on the couch, trying to let her homesicknes wash away. Her throat closed up, anger and despair warring with disappointment, trying desperately not to think of Faerie. But what else was there to really think about? What did it matter, fitting into this world.... when it wasn't her world. Not anymore, not in any of the ways it mattered.She let her neck recline against the back of the couch, baring her neck up to the ceiling. It was a bit uncomfortable, but she let herself stay that way until she finally drifted off to sleep. Still trying not to remember how good it felt to lie against spider silk sheets under a canopy of stars and with vines creeping up the sides of her vision. She awoke to Sabina's call and set out to light the fire and prepare some hot chocolate.

Damn it Vivi, she thought miserably. It was nearly one in the morning, and she was making hot chocolates for her friends, no, her guests. Since when did she do nice things like that? Who was this new Jude? This was the Jude Jude needed to create to get Vivi and Heather's pity off her back. This was the Jude that made friends, connecting with long lost relatives she had never heard of before , the Jude that didn't say fuck you for coming in so late, get in your self. The Jude that couldn't sleep in bed, the girl who would never let anyone know how alone she was.This new Jude was the girl, girl, gosh a girl, not that bloodthirsty hella cool woman that favored the softer things in life, like spending time with her friends instead of plotting her way back into Faerie with a vengeance their worlds had never seen. This girl was actually a bit of a relief if she was being honest, a break, playing a pretend. Any way, Sabina and Eden were pretty cool, if she was being honest, and they were coming in from Chicago.

She looked forward to getting wasted tomorrow with them, to numbing out with movies, music, and distracting herself at the art festival tomorrow. It would a grand day.

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