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-Monday, August 14 2028 (11:38)

Hydroponics Lab IV

Allison removed the spent clip from her carbine and inserted a fresh one in its place. “I only have one more of these,” she said. “I'm thinking it might be time to get out of here.”

Choi fired two blasts with his plasma rifle, then retreated back around the corner to ovoid the barrage of return fire. “What, getting tired of this spot?”

“Yeah. It's been several minutes since the others left, and I don't want to wait until we actually run out of ammo before retreating.”

“Alright,” Choi fired another half dozen blasts at the other end of the corridor before he and Allison turned and started sprinting down the hallway.


Arbirn stood with his back against the cold concert wall of the corridor. He and his people had been trading fire with Vinc'hart and a group of her soldiers for almost fifteen minutes now. Only one of his men had been hit, taking two bullets to the shoulder when they had first caught up with them.

“They're not shooting anymore,” Caroline said from beside him.

“You think they're gone?” he asked.

“Or they just want us to think that,” suggested Sergeant Blitz.

“What,” said Lieutenant Pelt, “wait for us to think they're gone, then when we try to go after them start mowing us down when we get half way down the corridor?”

Blitz shrugged. “Why not? It can work pretty well against metal.”

“Dammit,” Arbirn swore. “I'm betting Vinc'hart already moved on. Whoever we've been shooting at probably just stayed behind to keep us busy. Which means that either way she's getting further away.”

“Should we go back?” Caroline asked. “Try to find another way?”

“I don't know. Corporal,” Arbirn said to one of their soldiers. “You're stationed here. What do you think?”

“It wouldn't be a good idea,” she said. “If they continue down that corridor there are several places they could end up. Going back would take more time, which is going to make it harder to track them down. And while this place can be a bit confusing to newcomers, it’s still only a matter of time before they find the entrance.”

“Could we go back?” asked another one of the soldiers, Private Cary. “Head them off?”

The Corporal shook her head. “Not without the people Vinc’hart left behind noticing.”

“What about the base's surveillance systems?” Blitz asked.

“You mean the ones we disabled to prevent anyone form seeing what we we're doing?” Pelt answered.

“Right well, you two,” Arbirn nodded at Pelt and the Corporal, “go back and get those systems back on line, see if you can track her down that way. Be careful on your way through that processing station, there might still be some of Vinc'hart's people in there.”

“We past the hatch to a small utility corridor a little while back,” the Corporal said. “If we go through it we can avoid that room altogether.”

Arbirn nodded. “Good,” He watched the two of them take off back down the corridor, then turned back to the rest. “Daniels,” he said to the man who was shot. “You okay?”

“I've survived a lot worse,” the soldier replied evenly.

“Alright then, lets go.” Their group, which at this point consisted of Arbirn, Caroline, Blitz, Daniels, and Cary, moved carefully out into the corridor, cautiously advancing towards the next bend.

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