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-Wednesday, August 22 2028 (11:42)

Derek was making his way back to his office when he saw Corporal Young standing outside the door. ‘Damn, I was hoping to avoid this.’ Derek continued walking towards his door, giving no outward indication that Allison’s presence had disturbed him.

The young Corporal went to attention when Derek was within a few feet of her. “Is there something I can do for you Corporal,” he asked when he reached his office.

“I’d like to speak with you, sir,” she responded evenly.

Derek nodded after a moment. He wordlessly opened his door and motioned for her to enter his office, closing the door behind him and turning on the lights as he followed her in. He went to sit down behind his desk while Allison stood stiffly on the other side.

“At ease Corporal,” he said after a moment. “And sit down.” After she had complied Derek let out a long breath. “What can I do for you?”

“I have some, questions, about the mission to retrieve the two terminators.”

“You want to know why one of them looked like you,” Derek said, deciding that it would be easier for both of them if he just got to the point.

Allison shifted nervously. “Yes sir.”

“Are you sure?” Derek asked. “I seriously doubt that I can give you any answers that would help.”

Allison heisted, having half expected this conversation to end with the Colonel telling her it was classified and dismissing her. After a moment she spoke. “I’m sure, sir.”

Derek sighed. “Alright,” he paused for a moment. “First I want to make it clear that this is all top secret, and is not to leave this room.”

Allison nodded. “I understand sir.”

“Alright. You were involved with the incident at Hydro Lab IV, so you know about this whole time travel business.”

“Ah, yes sir.”

“Well, the one terminator, the male one, John Henry, he jumped forward to infiltrate a SkyNet facility to gather information that could be used against it in the past. The red-headed one with the accent, Catherine Weaver and John Connor went after him to make sure he could get back.”

“Commander Vinc’hart said something about building a time machine,” Allison said slowly.

Derek nodded. “Yeah.”

“John, he isn’t metal, is he…” Allison asked suddenly.

“Ah, no, definitely not,” Derek said. “Though under the circumstances I can understand why that possibility would have occurred to you. As for the one who looks like you,” Derek thought for a moment. “The other two, they’re from some ‘alternate timeline’ where these time travel machines were invented by SkyNet to send terminators back to change the past. Apparently the alternate version of the resistance got hold of this technology and uses it as well. They have also been known to ‘reprogram’ captured terminators, which is where those two come from. The one who looks like you, they call her ‘Cameron’, was also a reprogrammed terminator. While her ‘programming’ survived somehow her body was destroyed. John Henry used the SkyNet facility he was in to make her a new one.”

Allison took several moments to absorb this information. “But, why does she look like me?”

“Coincidence,” Derek answered. “Our best guess is that in this other timeline you were…. captured.. by SkyNet and it created a terminator that looked like you to infiltrate the resistance. Apparently it failed and was reprogrammed.”

CONTINUUM Serrano Point: 2028Where stories live. Discover now