Part 1- The beginning

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The oldest of the koopalings was locked away in his room once again. The dark room was deadly silent except for the feeble noises of a feathered quill on paper. The doors were locked and the navy curtains were half drawn, the only source of light was a little candle that rested comfortably onto the wooden desk that Ludwig was currently sat at. He had his forehead rested into his left hand and his gaze was looking down at the piece of paper he was scribbling onto which had ideas and notes for his new symphony. He had been working since he got out off bed and it was now around half one in the afternoon. The eldest exhaled a sigh and went to stand up, he placed the quill down and brushed himself off. He turned the lock on the double doors and turned one of the door knobs and stepped out into the silent hallway.

He had somewhat pale skin from always staying locked away in his room all the time and has visible purple bags under his warm, grey eyes. He wore a silk black dress shirt along with his cuffs, and a orange tie with a Prussian blue waistcoat along with a cape of the same colour and with a yellow trimming that ran down just above his ankles. He also wore light grey trousers with a brown belt and lastly he wore tall laced boots of a darker grey.

Ludwig ran a hand into his perfect royal blue hair and began to stroll down the torch lit hallway. The only thing he could think about was this new symphony he was working on he was so focused that he started to skip meals in order to fully concentrate but he forced himself to take a break and eat something because he knew it wasn't healthy to continuously skip meals. While on his way towards the kitchen, his train of thoughts were interrupted when he heard faint giggling come from inside one of the bedrooms. The eldest walked towards the source of the now louder giggling and peeked his head inside one off the double doors. There sat on the floor were his two younger brothers Lemmy and Larry, drawing while chatting among themselves and making each other laugh.

Lemmy Koopa was the first to acknowledge Ludwig's presence peeking into his room, he stood up and wobbled a bit before flashing him a wide smile, one of his purple eyes looking up at his only older brother while his other drifted off into space. "Hi Ludwig!" He chirped while his smile kept beaming on his face.

The little koopaling was still on the small side for being human and he also had pale skin. He wore an orange T-shirt with a yellow star in the centre along with more lightish yellow shorts with straps over his shoulders. He also wore yellow, pink and blue tights with green shoes with a periwinkle trimming at the top. He also had his normal styled mohawk at the top of his head, consisted of a yellow, red and blue and a rather long pony tail. Orange star earrings dangled from his ears and he had two orange stripes on both sides of his face.

"Hello Lemmy, what are you two doing this afternoon?" The oldest asked in a calm somewhat tired voice, Lemmy's smile brightened and he glanced down at his youngest brother who had cupped his cheek in his right hand and drawing something down onto the crisp piece of paper. "Well me and Larry are doing some drawing then we're gonna play some video games!" Ludwig smiled slightly at the reply he got, he didn't really like video games that much but if it made his brothers happy then it was alright. He glanced towards Larry who was still drawing but suddenly looked strangely tense about something... the eldest was about to ask his brother if he was alright but his hunger got the best of him and he was dying to eat something. Ludwig gave them another small smile and proceeded to step outside the room and continue his way towards the kitchen. "Alright well, see you two later then." He said quietly before exiting the room and shutting the doors with a click behind him.

"Bye Ludwig!" The second oldest said in a still happy tone before he went to sit himself down again onto the floor and continue whatever he was drawing. The air suddenly became quite heavy and Lemmy went to look at his younger brother. Larry was still looking quite uncomfortable about something and he couldn't seem to concentrate on the sheet of paper in front of him. Concerned, Lemmy got up and made his way towards him and placed a little hand on his shoulder. "Larry? Are you okay?" He asked in a small voice the younger looked up at him with pretty but also worried sky blue eyes. He meekly got up and went to hold one of his arms in his hands.

The youngest was a bit taller than Lemmy and had ever so slightly tanned skin. He wore a simple white T-shirt with light blue sleeves and black shorts with emerald green boots. He had a small blue star on his left cheek and a sky blue mohawk with a little ahoge. Two blue star earrings were on his ears along with some other piercings.

"I'm fine Lemmy... it's just that-" the youngest paused, he bit his lip and seemed a little hesitant to tell his brother what was on his mind. "It's just that... what if something bad happened to us. You know..? Like, what if we were all suddenly separated from each other a-and we couldn't find anyone!" The second oldest could see that he was starting to wind himself up so he brought him into a hug. Larry started to quickly calm down after he was pulled into the embrace. He wrapped his arms around his smaller brother and smiled slightly. "I know it's stupid but what if something like that actually happened?" Lemmy pulled back and looked at his brother and smiled at him.

"Aw Larry, nothing like that could ever happen to us. We're the Koopalings! Nothing could ever separate us! Beside, if something like that ever happens, I'll always have your back."

Larry relaxed more when he heard those words and some tension left his tense body. "Thank you Lemmy." The youngest's said smiling a bit more.

"You're welcome Larry but nothing like that will ever happen... I promise"

( Heyo! Sorry if this chapter was a little boring lmao I'm sort of introducing the characters for the first two chapters. Bye bye :) )

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