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      I know that she was stressed because of me. I slapped her and pushed her. Thats y her hip s bruised. But she lied to the doctor. Why did she save me?. Does she love me that much? But she cheated on me. Its not my child she's carrying. Its another man's child. Many thoughts rang into my mind. She clearly stated that she didnt want my presence and I respect that. Leaving that place I went home and layed on my bed thinking of all the things I did.

      Turning my body I saw a diary placed on the nightstand. I know its Hana's. But I wanted to know what did she wrote in it. Maybe I can get some answers from it. Sitting  from my position , I took it and started reading from the first. From our highschool party to till this midnight everything s written in it. She didnt write so frequently.  Only good and bad ones. But what got my attention was that night when I was drunk. She wrote it in detail about how I made her feel but I couldn't remember it. Suddenly a flash a memories came into my vision. About how I made love to a girl. How good I made her feel. A girl moaning my name. Everything flashed like a light and thats when I wished the time to stop.

     It was Hana. It was her from the beginning. What she said was real. The baby s mine. I'm the father of that child. Ohh...God how much of a big mistake have I done. It was my child that was to die because of my stupidity. It was my child who I hated fr a long time without knowing. It was my child's mother who I tortured. Realization hit me hard on face. Its completely my fault that she's in hospital. Its completely my fault that my child suffered. God.. How am I suppose to get her forgiveness. I should have gave her chance to explain it. But I didnt. Instead I was focused on torturing her. How much of a monster I was.

       Guilt ate me alive and I don't wanna face Hana knowing I was the one at fault not her. 2 days passed and its time fr her to come home. I wanted to go but my guilt didnt allow me. Saying sorry won't repair the damage I made. I should show it in my actions. I will seek fr her forgiveness and will try to help her with everything in her pregnancy. God... I'm gonna be a father. It really amaze me.


      Its the day of discharge and I'm more than happy to get out from here. Aunty and uncle came to pick me up and I haven't heard or seen Taehyung fr the past days. And I don't wanna see him fr a while.

      Entering inside Taehyung's parents home, I went straight to the couch and lied down. Surely Taehtung won't allow me to sleep on the bed and I don't want any back pain sleeping on the floor. My hand automatically caressed my not so large baby bump and I'm happy that the baby s fine. I should be careful from now on.  
"Do you want anything to eat Hana?". Aunty asked to which I nodded as yes. I was starving and the hospital food was not my taste.  

      After a delicious late lunch or dinner I went to my shared room and planned to sleep. Till now I didnt see him and I kinda miss him. But seeing the room where nearly my baby died made be slightly hate him. Boosting up , I entered inside , to be welcomed by clean room where Taehyung was standing while scratching his head. He seem to be confused by something. Clearing my throat I gained his attention.
He gave me a half smile and went inside the bathroom. Weird. He didn't smile at me fr months. Shrugging it off I took the pillows and bedsheets fr me to sleep. Arranging everything I sat down with some support.
"What you're doing?". Taehyung voice rang  inside the room. Can't he see that I'm trying to sleep. I don't wanna talk with him. It will again lead to some fight which will get me stressed.
"Sleeping". Was my only answer. Not wanting to speak more I layed down but his voice again called me.
"why r u sleeping on the floor?. Sleep on the bed". Didnt he told me to sleep on the floor few months ago. Then why so sudden change.
"Didnt YOU tell me to sleep on the floor?". I asked to which he held his head low. Okay....what's happening.
"Its okay.. Sleep on the bed. I'll sleep in the living room". With that he took off with a pillow and I was left alone with silence. Whatever happens....let it happen. Tomorrow my cousin s coming from America and I'm gonna stay with her fr few days. I'll be sleeping in my bed after a long time. So maybe using his bed today won't be harmful. So with happy thoughts of seeing my family, I drifted to sleep.

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