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A brunette ran down the stairs in a hurry. Panic clouded his eyes as he made big steps towards the kitchen. "Moooom I'll be back by four, bye!" He snatched a piece of sandwitch and rushed towards the door. A woman, who just stared at his flustered son, chuckled inwards.

"Yah! Hyuka! Wake up, were fucking late!" The brunette screamed through the phone while tieing his shoes.

"Wha? What do youㅡOH FUCK!! I'll be down in a minuteㅡ"

"Hyuka no cursing!" Yeonjun scolded even though he knew the latter could never hear him. Once his shoes were done, Yeonjun dashed towards Hueningkai's house which was just five minutes away. He ate his sandwich as he ran across the street, looking left and right frantically.

Okay, Yeonjun thought that the "one minute" thing Hueningkai said was just a figure of speech, but when he arrived at the younger's house he saw him already waiting on the front porch. "Come one, slow poke!" Hueningkai said, running off when he saw Yeonjun approach. The shorter brunette groaned in frustration. At least let him breathe for a minute?

Oh and if you're curious where the two are heading, wait and see because they made it to their destination.

Hueningkai was almost on his knees, panting for air. Yeonjun arrived a little later, grabbing and squeezing Hueningkai's shoulder while also panting. "We... huh... made it... huh... on... time..." Yeonjun panted. His face was flushed red and sweat tricked down his forehead.

"Why were... huh... we running... again?" Hueningkai asked. Yeonjun pulled the younger brunette into the store. Ah, or should I say bakery?

"Yeonjun! My my look how late you are," an old man from behind the counter chuckled at the two boys who just entered his store. "I know, Mr. Shane," Yeonjun snickered playfully. "Do you happen to have any new recipes, Mr. Shane?" Hueningkai asked, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Mr. Shane laughed. "Of course I do, Kamal. Wait at that table, I'll go get it."

Yeonjun and Hueningkai shared an excited look then proceeded to sit themselves down at a table near the window. Oh how Yeonjun loved the city, especially when it's so early in the morning like this. He always feels so accomplished when he's already roaming about when everybody else is probably still dozing off.

However, Yeonjun always wished he lived in Seoul. He was Korean after all, of course he would want to live in his country. His parents never actually agreed though. They said it was to early for him to go there on his own. Well for your information, Yeonjun is already 24 and he still lives with his parents. To be honest, he hates that fact, but he always tried to understand his parents.

Hueningkai has a similar situation to him. He always whines on how he misses Taehyun, their friend who currently lives in an apartment in Seoul. Sure, he could live their since he's fucking rich he could buy a whole condo with cash. However, being the only male child in his family, Hueningkai is really cherished. With that said, it would be nearly impossible for Hueningkai to fulfill his desire to move to Seoul.

They both dont mind too much though. New York was wonderful. Yeonjun had lived here since the day he first cried. That made him really familiar with his whole neighborhood. Right across the street you could see Mr. Lan who always walks his dog, Lando, every morning. They usually pass by the bakery at around 6:23. It was 6:22 now, and Yeonjun could see the pair already crossing the street towards the bakery.

A bell rang, signaling that someone entered the small building entitled "Shane's Bakery". This was Poppy, a very hard working college student. She always comes by between 6 to 7 AM to get her daily caffeine and donut intake. It usually takes up 15 minutes of her time to finish the whole breakfast before heading out. Yeonjun never knew where she might be going to, but he's confident to make a guess that she's off to campus.

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