Father Anderson

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     "Take the shot, Ms. Alexandra." Walter demanded as I was pointing the gun at a deer.

     "Walter this is hard," I lowered my gun, "I actually love animals."

    "I know but you have to kill in order to eat." He said.

    I wanted to cry, but he is right. The deer looked me in the eyes as it was begging for its life. It looked at me and I looked at it, I raised my gun. We had a sad stare down.

    I lowered my gun and my head, "I can't Walter."

    He raised my gun back up, "If you don't kill it it'll run away." He pulled the lever and shot it. It fell to the ground. I was wining at the poor site.

    "Wuaaaaaaahaaaa! Walter, why?" I said holding the dead deer.

    "Stop your wining, its death was for a great cause." He demanded.

    "You're so cruel and mean," I said sniffling.

     Walter made me carry the dead animal on my shoulders, it was very heavy. We made it back to the mansion and saw Integra. She had a cigar in her mouth as usual with her arms folded across her chest.

     "Where have you two been?" She demanded an answer.

     "Walter and I were out hunting. Well killing. It was horrible." I exclaimed.

     Walter shrugged, "We have to eat dinner right?"

     "You all have been gone for five hours."

     "My apologies, it was Ms. Alexandra who kept me busy.  I was showing her how I hunt for food." Walter bowed in forgiveness.

     I turned with the animal in my arms, snobbing at Walter. He smiled.

    "Well Bishop Maxwell is coming over, prepare the dinner. We have business to attend to." She said while walking away.

    "Well shall we?" Walter said.

    He walked us to the kitchen and told me to lay the deer on the cutting table.

    I cracked my neck, "Fyooo!"

    Walter turned around with a big knife in his hand smiling, "Would you like to see how your meals are so delicious? "

     "No thank you." I said while walking away.

    I was walking to my room when...

     "ALLLIIICCCCE!!" Seras yelled running up and fell on top of me.


    "Guess what?" She asked smiling.


    "Captain Bernadette asked me out for a night of the town!" She excitingly said.

    "Really?" I started to get happy.

    "Yes! But I need your help."

    "With what?"

    She grabbed my hand and dragged me into her room. It was really gloomy but it smelled nice. This was first time I've seen her room.

     "Help me, what should I wear?" She asked showing me a dress.

    "Seras it's up to you. If you want to wear a dress then do so. You shouldn't go based off what other people say." I said.

    "So don't show much, but also don't show too little?"

    I facepalmed myself, "Seras, I just said..."

Animals (Alucard Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now