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اَللَهُ اَكْبَرُ- اَللَهُ اَكْبَرُ

اَشْهَدُ اَنْ لَا اِلَاهَ اِلَّا اللهُ – اَشْهَدُ اَنْ لَا اِلَاهَ اِلَّا اللهُ

(The Islamic Prayer Call)

The Baig Villa stood tall at three storeys in one of the poshest localities of Satlan, the capital city of Mughlaan. It was owned by Wali Baig, a big industrialist, who was selected as the Governor of Satlan two years ago but before everything else he was a father to two daughters.

The main entrance of the Baig Villa was guarded by two security men at all times. Coming through the main entrance you could find a flower garden on the left and a basketball court on the right. The double doors of the villa opened to a living room which was big enough to host at least fifty people at once, in it you could find the most elegant white sofas, a matching glass centre table, four floor length lamps in the corners, indoor plants and two chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

A passageway led to the main area of the house which was more private. Only family members and house workers were allowed in this part. There was an open kitchen with a dining hall and a private living room area on the ground floor. The stairs to the first floor led to the rooms of the two youngest members of the family. One of whom was going to wake up soon.

Layla could hear the adhaan clearly and loudly, coming from the masjid two blocks away from her home. It was time for Fajr, the very first salah of the day. Most days she woke up to pray in the morning but there were a few days when she could not. She was struggling to remain steadfast in her salah.

She removed the duvet from her body and went to the room beside hers to wake up Noorein, her younger sister, the person who was her constant companion ever since Layla was five years old.

Layla opened the door to Noorein's room quietly and went up to her. As always, the room was a mess. There were several books lying on the ground. Layla could make out a few of their titles, most of them were related to Mathematics. The light was on. Noorein's Macbook was kept on the floor beside her headboard. Juice bottles were piled up near the dustbin although the dustbin itself was empty and the occupant of the room was sleeping with the duvet covering half her body while the rest of it was on the floor.

"Noori, wake up. It's time for Fajr."

Layla nudged Noorein's elbow gently.

"Hmm. I know." She mumbled still deep in her sleep.

"When you know Abba doesn't like us to skip Fajr why don't you wake up on time?"

Layla shook her head disappointedly. If there was one thing Wali Baig strictly insisted upon it was for his girls to pray regularly. He always emphasised that a person who held onto his daily prayer held onto hope and sincerity.

"Aapi, if only you knew how precious these last few minutes of sleep are."

Noorein removed the duvet with a whine. It fell completely on the floor.

No one could stop Noorein Wali Baig from being dramatic. Layla always thought that Noorein should take up acting as a profession but Noorein's heart belonged to Mathematics. Her ultimate goal will always be to win the Fields Medal.

Layla went back to her room after waking up Noorein. Her room was just as messy as Noorein's. Economics books were scattered all over the table. Her white jeans from yesterday were kept on the chair. She went to the washroom to brush her teeth and make wudhu. After that she prayed salah. She looked around her room and took a deep breath. No matter how hard she tried she could never keep her room clean. She is always grateful for Gul Bi, who cleaned her room every day without fail.

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