Chapter Six

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"Fuck this room is a disaster!!" Ciel yelled so Edward heard him in the other room Edward laughed "oh Ciel leave it to you to only care about the room itself" Edward muttered, "focus dummy focus" Edward yelled back as he lifted books off of a night stand.

"I beg your pardon! So what if I care about the room I also care about this mission" Ciel told Edward from afar distance after they found nothing they thought to go back to Sebastian once they got back to Sebastian they found him.

Examining the blanket Edward blinked "what is that blood?" Ciel asked "yes Ciel it is blood Brook's leg was injured" Edward said Sebastian looked up and Ciel looked at Edward "WHO HURT MY GIRL BROOK" Sebastian damned.

Edward looked down "enough looking down spit it out NOW" Ciel damned "you see Inky broke her leg and I guess this is were her friends had her" Edward lied "really and how do you know this there's a lot of blood here in the corner looks like somebody put a lot of pressure on her leg here" Sebastian said in a piss tone.

Ciel went closer to Edward and looked at Edward's hand "so what's this from then I've noticed it when you came to see us" Ciel with a knowing grin Sebastian looked at the bed and saw chains then Sebastian started to laugh.

"Don't tell me somebody chained you up" Sebastian said Ewdard got pissed and was red in the face "yeah and I'm going to kill that B.... called Mafia" Edward said Sebastian dropped the blanket "who the hell is this Mafia" Sebastian yelled in Edward's face.

"Oh he's just Brook's new boyfriend I think" Edward told them "that Bastard is going to die if it's the last thing I would do" Sebastian said "oh mmmm Boss one more thing before you get pissed off again by me" Edward told them.

"Fine what is it now before I come over to you and kill right about NOW" Sebastian yelled "well you see you need to be careful with Brook when she is in heat she only has one person now and when she is in heat she will be thinking about her one person" Edward said.

Sebastian then went up to Edward and grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him up in the air "I don't give F ing 10 shits about how she is or what she does she's still going to be all mine" Sebastian said.

"Let's go around the boy up already I'm all ready to do a killing spree" Ciel said they all started to leave but Edward was being carried in the air before they got out of the house they saw something on the couch.

Ciel went up to the couch and pulled off the blanket and saw Inky's body laying there Ciel then put a finger on her neck to see if she was alive but he found no pulse "she's dead" Ciel said.

When they were done with Inky's body then they went to the car Sebastian then opened the door and trew Edward in the car and Edward hit his head on the door.

Then Sebastian slammed the door and went to his side and opened the door and closed the door Ciel got in the car and started the car and drove off two hours later they finally got to where Zero and the gang were, Sebastian opened his door, got out and slammed the door shut.

Ciel got out and slammed his door Sebastian then went to Edward's side and opened his door and yanked Edward out of the car and slammed his door then they started walking to the door while dragging Edward by his hair behind Sebastian.

"Ouch ouch ouch let me go already please" Edward begged "just take it where almost to the door this is what you get for pissing off the boss even me" Ciel said "you would rather Sebastian then me to be pissed off because me I would have already kill you by now" Ciel added with a grin.

"Oh don't worry we are the same I'm about to kill him oh and the others are going to join him as well" Sebastian said when they finally reached the door Sebastian threw Edward, Edward broke the door and landed on the floor.

Zero, Hikaru, Kaoru jumped at the same time they then got up and ran to the door and saw Edward in the doorway they looked outside and saw Sebastian and Ciel standing there "helloooo boysss nice see you guys again" Ciel said.

The three boys started to panic "Zero I thought I told you to bring Brook to us if you had her and not to try to kill her but I guess you lied to us this whole time" Sebastian said "we where we didn't lie we just had a bit of trouble" Zero said.

"Really, then tell me this were you're going to kill Brook and her kids?" Sebastian asked they all looked at each other then at Edward who was passed out cold from the pain.

"So why are you all looking down at Edward? Are you guys saying he was right?" Ciel asked the boys started to shake "so what Edward told us is all true then I see so you guys did torture her where's Lito and Jace?" Ciel asked.

"Lito and Jace are sadly dead" Hiaru told them "one of you or two of yous will get their punishments" Sebastian said with an angry tone the twins backed up "pick him" the twins said while pointing at Zero.

Ciel rubbed his chin "that's okay maybe all of you" Ciel said "what did we do?" Kaoru asked "okay so tell me then WHO WAS IT WHO MADE Brook STOP TALKING and also who WHIPPED HER ACROSS HER THROAT" Sebastian yelled at them.

"YOU HAVE A NERVE TO MESS WITH MYYY GIRL" he added "don't look at us it was Zero's plans he told us to do it" the twins said and Zero started at them "chickens" Zero said "ooooh there not chickens they did the right thing you should be afraid of us because you will die first" Ciel said.

Zero stood his ground "I'm not going to die that easy and I don't care I will kill Brook and her kids for what she did I don't care what you two have to say but first I will have to track them down" Zero told them Ciel and Sebastian's faces went red as a tomato the twins then went to hide. 

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