Chapter fifteenth

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Meanwhile with the gang

Everybody then got into cars and started to drive off, Mafia looked out the window as his anger grew again "hey boss so what is your plan of attack?" Blue asked knowingly Mafia saw Blue through the window.

"What do you think?" Mafia replied with a growl "yes I think I know the plan then" Blue replied "but first you need to calm down we'll get your woman back" Killer said Mafia turned to the side.

"yes I'm worried about Brook too but after what Inky did to Zelda I'm afraid who ever has Brook could probably be able to do the same and I don't know if she will make it" Mafia said "oh and tell anyone I told you all that I will kill ALL OF YOU and call you lairs" Mafia added.

Error turned around and put his hand on the window "don't worry Error you will see Crossy boy soon" Blue teased Mafia got upset and grabbed Blue and threw Blue out of the window and out of the car.

Error tried to teleport Blue back to the car but Blue got teleported to Sebastian's and Ciel's house Error looked everywhere no Blue so he called Cross, Cross answered the phone "miss me already darling?" Cross asked.

"Yes but that is not the point I was just wondering is Blue with you please say yes?" Error asked, Killer then stopped the car Mafia and Killer looked at Error "sorry babe but he is not here I thought he was with you and why did you stop behind us we have to go" Cross said.

"Oh shit" Error said out loud "Error what the hell this time?" Cross asked "ohhh nothing really just him and Mafia had a fight and I tried to teleport Blue back into the car but it didn't work so I thought he went to where you are" Error said and ducked his head.

"ERROR YOU DID WHAT" everybody yelled "and if he is not with you then I now know he is missing" Error said "hold on I'm going to call Blue" Hal said "I hope to god he better be with Brook or I am really going to kill him this time" Mafia thought evilly.


:meanwhile with Blueberry and the gang:

Blue went crashing into the window and fell through into a room Blue rolled and hit his head on a dresser hard Blue blacked out for a few minutes Blue then got up and looked around, "what the hell is going on I was supposed to be in a car or the road but not here" Blue thought while looking around some more.

Blue then got up and headed to the door slowly once he got there he looked around the corner Blue looked one way then the other, once he saw no one was around so he went down the hallway and looked into the room that had doors opened.

There was one room that had its door closed. "I wonder what's in this room every door is open, so why is this one shut?" Blue wondered Blue then grabbed the doorknob and opened the door slowly once it was fully opened Blue stopped in mid walk and looked around the room in shock and started to get scared.

"Wh-wha-what is all this? what's going on? This looks alot like someone is about to do surgery, but this place looks like a palace and not a hospital or something" Blue said again, still staring around.


Sebastian turned around at the door "what was that noise, what's going on?" Sebastian asked then saw Edward in the doorway "Edward go and see what that noise was would you? Let us know will ya?" Sebastian said.

Edward bowed then hurried off down the hallway the driver looked around to see people were leaving to do their own thing for the time being so the driver rubbed his hands together, and decided to follow Edward to see for himself what the noise was besides Brook was still out and was under Sebastian's protection still.

"I'll wait till she's alone and awake surely bassy will have to leave to do something sooner or later" Mystogan thought to himself as he hurried to catch up with Edward, once he caught up with Edward who noticed one of the doors were open the driver didn't waste time and went in to see what happened.

:with Blue:

Blue heard a noise not too far from where he wandered off to, Blue decided to hide just then his phone went off Blue jumped and grabbed his phone quickly, "hello who is this" Blue asked in a whisper since he didn't look at the name on the phone.

"You dummy where are you? How far did you end up?" Hal asked him "and why are you whispering?" Hal added "I don't know where I am but all I know is it's a palace like house and I'm staring at a room right now that is set up for surgery or something" Blue replied with a whisper "oh my god are you in the same place as Brook right now? And what do you mean by surgery?" Hal asked in a now worried tone.

Blue went quiet as he heard footsteps "over here I hear a voice" Edward told the driver as they got to the second door that was open, "hey isn't this door supposed to be closed? As we were keeping it ready and clean for Brook and her baby's?" The driver said Blue was hiding in a closet so they didn't see him but he saw them perfectly.

"What the hell?! What do they mean by Brook and her baby's? Blue what's going on? BlueBerry answer me!" Hal yelled Blue stayed quiet till Edward and the driver decided to leave and shut the door, "I don't know anything brother but I think they're doing surgery on Brook I guess they need and want the kids out" Blue finally replied.

"What did you just say?! The hell they are there will be hell to pay if they mess with her and or my kids" mafia yelled in the background, killer and Blue laughed "yeah, yeah, yeah we know we've heard it in different ways too many times boss why not calm your biscuits down right now, I'm right here I'll protect her" Blue told him.

Mafia huffed "I will not calm down this time I'm furious right now nobody messes with my kids let alone messes with Brook" Mafia said with an angry tone, Blue then heard glass smashing in the background "wohh, wohh  take it easy Mafia damn it you need to control your anger" Killer said.

Just then Blue heard noises down the hallway "sorry guys i'd like to argue some more but I think I hear people coming I'm hiding in a closet and need to be quiet or they will know i'm here" Blue simply said,"keep us updated then would you?" Hal told Blue "I will" Blue replied and hung up.

Blue peeked out of the closet and to his horror he saw two men who were at the door looking around, they then came in Blue stared at the two men "I need to remember faces so I can help out later on" Blue thought to himself as he kept an eye on the two he hoped they wouldn't come over.

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