{ F O U R }

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What did she actually see in Vince's eyes? Because she looked embarrassed...

I hop on the bus and wait for the rest of the students to come.
Should I just ask her? That's the only question that has haunted me all day. It makes me crazy!
I see everyone coming in, everyone except for Abby and without her, the bus drives away.
'Wait, sir, my friend isn't in yet!' - I say to the bus driver.
'Then your friend has to walk home.'
'Seriously?!' - I almost scream.
Really random I think back to lunch. Milo asked me if I wanted to eat with him... I haven't seen him since.
I look around the bus. I see the three boys sitting in the back.
When Vince sees that I'm looking at them, he smiles.
'Come here, Audrey!' - He says.
Now everyone is looking at me.
'W-What?' - I stutter.
'Come!' - Vince repeats.
Should I go?
'We can come to you if you want.' - Vince laughs.
'I'm good thanks.' - I react. Very awkwardly.
'You're a funny one! Come on!'
'Let her be, Vince. If she doesn't want to than she doesn't want to.' - Milo says annoyed.
'What's wrong with you?' - Vince still laughs.
'Nothing.' - Milo says. 'Just don't push everyone into something they don't want.'
I say nothing. After a few seconds I hear footsteps.
Someone sits next to me.
'Hello?' - I say to the girl.
It's quiet for a moment.
'Uh... do I know you?' - I ask softly.
'Probably not.'
'Oh ok.'
I really don't want to be kind to someone who doesn't care, so I keep my mouth shut.
After 15 minutes we are at the first bus stop.
Most of the students are leaving, including the girl.
I see the three boys walk by, but Vince stops.
'Bye guys, see you tomorrow.' - the boy says and he sits down next to me.
'What are you doing?' - I say.
'I'm going with you to your house.'
'What?!' - I say shocked.
'I'm going to your brother.' - Vince explains.
'Oh right, you are friends.'
'So, you and Milo.' - Vince says.
'What's up with you guys?' - Vince winks.
'You sure?' - Vince laughs.
'Pretty much.'
'Ok. If you thinks so.'
I roll my eyes. 'Do you know where Abigail is?'
'Who's that?'
'The girl you always flirt with..?' - I say again weirdly.
Vince just drinks water and he spits it out right in my face.
'I-I didn't mean to do that, sorry.' - he apologizes.
'Why did you do it in the first place?' - I say, drying my face. 'I see how you flirt with her.'
'I'm not interested in her.' - Vince shut me down.
'Then why are you flirting with her?'
'I'm not!'
'Alright. You're not.' - I say in anger.
'Look, she is just... not my type.' - Vince says.
'I don't care.' - I say. 'I just don't want you to hurt someone.'
'What are you gonna do if I did hurt her?' - Vince ask.
'I would beat your ass.' - I say seriously.
Vince laughs, but when he sees I'm serious he stops.
'You wouldn't, right?' ... 'right?'
'Next stop!' Is announced.
We hop off the bus and walk together to my house.
'Mom I'm home!' - I shout through the villa.
'Hi honey, oh hey Vince! Good to see you again! How are you?' - My mom asks friendly.
I hate this shit so I walk to the kitchen.
'Is Vince already here? I'm not ready yet!' - Chase says shocked.
'Since when do you care about your looks?' - I laugh.
'I always did!' - Chase lies, because I know he doesn't.
'Have fun.' - I say, before I walk to my room.
I don't have any homework to do, so I decide to start my drawing assignment.
But first I need to know what exactly my fears are.
I walk to the first mirror I can find.
I look myself into my eyes.
Acrophobia... fear of heights. Yes, I noticed that one.
Catoptrophobia... fear of mirrors. Wait, I'm not that afraid... right?
I quickly look away.
Come on, Audrey, you can do it.
Again, I look myself into my eyes.
Necrophobia... fear of death or dead things.
That was the last fear, so I walk back to my desk.
Hmm... now, brainstorm time.
I write down the three fears.
What should I draw?
My fear of heights is so... normal... so boring...
I should do something with the other ones.
oh! Maybe I can draw that the mirror is broken!
Hmm no, that's pointless.
I should put the two fears together... to make it extra scary.
What about... seeing myself in the mirror as a death person?
Creepy... but cool.
I start drawing myself from the back. I hope it looks a bit like me.
After 1 hour, I'm done with drawing myself.
Let's go to the mirror.
'Chase! Audrey! Dinner!' - mom calls us from downstairs.
I stop drawing and walk down. Followed by two boys.
'Do you eat with us, Vince?' - Dad asks.
'I can't, I promised my mom to watch my sisters tonight.' - Vince says friendly. 'But thank you.'
'Oh too bad, maybe next time!'
'Sure! Thanks for keeping me!' - Vince says and than he and Chase are walking away.
'He is such a nice guy.' - mom says.
'Yes, he is! Don't you think, Audrey?' - dad asks.
'Yea... so nice.' - I lie. He still was my bully.
After a few minutes, chase returns.
'That boy is amazing!' - he smiles.
'He's two years younger. How can you be such good friends?' - I ask.
'I don't know, he is just so nice.'
'Let's just eat.' - I say.
'Enjoy your meal, everyone.'

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