Chapter 1 - The Town of Rusper

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*Raquel Festow POV*

I was alone. All around me was a dense forest and I seemed to be in the middle of it. The trees were so thick together, that the sun couldn't penetrate the canopy. I looked around but couldn't see anyone else.
"RELXA?" I called, cupping my hands around my mouth. "ANYONE THERE?"
There was no answer, and I started to feel myself panic. Where was I? Where were the others? Why was I in the middle of a forest?
I started walking forwards, cautiously, scanning my surroundings for anyone else that may be close by and straining my ears for any sounds.
"HUNTER? WATSON? REBECCA? NARAZ?" I yelled, but no reply.
I was starting to shake. I was in a place I didn't know, alone, there was nothing familiar that I could see.
As I walked further into the forest, I checked the latches I had to my parents and Hunter. They were close but far away from me. I started to follow my latch to Hunter, needing to know he was alright, needing his comfort, his safety.
A low growl reached my ears and I spun round, sharply, to see a pair of glowing red orbs staring at me.
"R-Relxa?" I called out, thinking they could be lanterns. "Who's there?"
Suddenly, a hand grabbed my wrist and I turned to see Hewitt, looking panic stricken.
"Hewitt?" I asked.
"RUN!" She screamed and yanked me away from the glowing red orbs. We ran as fast as we could, with Hewitt refusing to let go of my hand.
Jumping over protruding tree roots and dodging round thick tree trunks, we seemed to be running for our lives, but I didn't know what from.
Behind us, we could hear something or things following us. Crashing their way through the forest as they tried to catch up.
Hewitt tripped over, crying out, and I fell with her. The both of us stumbled down a steep bank, into a shallow river.
"Come on, we have to get away from them!" Hewitt pleaded, desperately, looking terrified.
"From what?" I asked, scrambling to my feet and following her into deeper water.
"They're Coffinhounds, Raquel! We're back in Astrovia!" She cried, wading through the river as more growls came from behind us.
Just as we reached the other side of the bank, we heard the slow tolling of a bell in the distance. We glanced at each other, quickly, with relief before running as fast as we could towards the sound.
A heart-stopping shrill scream came from close by to us and we changed our direction towards who was in need of our help. It was Hunters Naraz! A huge green insect was towering over her, reaching its massive pincers back, ready to strike her.
"Texinous vaaqis aupa graax!" I cried, my hand reached towards the creature.
It froze on the spot, it's claws falling down and relaxing it's attack. I told it to turn around and get as far away from us as possible. It turned and scurried away, allowing Hewitt and I to reach Veronica and pull her towards where the bell was coming from.
'It's alright Naraz. We are going to be safe soon. Just stay close to us!' I told her through Hunters latch to her.
She nodded, horrified and trembling with fear. Small sobs were escaping her mouth as we started running towards the bell again.
We reached the edge of the forest and emerged out onto a large green with a fence, surrounding a small village, close by. Green and Watson were standing at the mouth of the gate, with Watson waving her arms at us, desperately.
"What's going on?!" Hewitt screamed, reaching them first and pulling them into a tight hug.
"The Portal was transmitted too early! We have been sent to Astrovia unarmed, unprepared and separated too!" Watson spat, looking furious.
"Who's ringing the bell?" I asked, looking towards a large building inside of the gates, with a tall tower stretching up to the sky.
"Clemency. She says we're in Rusper. That's East of Narthwich." Watson replied, scowling and looking around to see if she could see anyone else.
"What the hell happened?!" Came a shrill, furious voice behind us.
I turned to see Regina running towards us with Rosalie. I ran to meet them and threw myself at Rosalie, comforting her and telling her it was alright now.
"Let's get inside! We will keep the bell ringing throughout the night to tell people where to find us." Hewitt shouted over to us.
"I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL I FIND WILLIAM, DARREN AND TAYLOR!" Green screamed, frantically. She was panicking and hyperventilating, her hands gripping her hair, unable to stand up straight and staring, pleadingly, into the forest.
"We need to arm ourselves. There is bound to be weapons left here from last time. Let's get armed and we will start a search party!" Watson assured her.
Regina approached the heartbroken, distraught Green and held her close.
"We will not rest until your children are safe, sweetheart! You have my word!" She told her, pulling her closer and stroking her hair, allowing Green to sob into her shoulder.
I gripped Veronica's hand again and pulled her into the small village through the gates. Feeling a hollow ache of anxiety in my stomach, I looked back at the forest, hearing all sorts of hissing, snarling and howling coming from the beasts hidden from sight among the trees.
"Hunter? Naraz? Firez? Where are you?!"

*The Chronicles of F.R.E.E. Atania's Knight - Raquel Festow* Part 2Where stories live. Discover now