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"Hero, I need you." And like that it's game over. Her soft voice pulls me out of my slumber and I know I will do anything to meet her every need.

She settles into my arms, and I glance down at her, taking in her beautiful presence snuggled into my chest. Her blonde hair splayed around her head like a halo, her gorgeous skin glowing in the early morning light. Her eyes are closed, and her cheeks are glistening, and it's only now that I realise she is silently crying.

"Baby what's wrong, why are you crying?" She stays quiet for a moment, silently preparing herself to tell me what's up. 

"Charlie, he's going to hurt me." What?

"What do you mean? How can you be sure?"

"I keep having these dreams, it begins with me trying to break up with him, he lashes out and tries to kidnap me so I can't leave him, and we end up in a collision. It started off having this dream once a week but now I have them almost every day. I'm scared, Hero, really scared."

Her revelations shakes me to my core, and subconsciously pull her even closer to me. I have to protect her, and I realise how much she really means to me as she lays here against my chest telling me how someone is trying to hurt her. As this realisation hits me like a truck, another piece of me slots into place. I already knew my feelings towards her were strong, but this just reached another level.

"What do I do Hero? I need you to save me." She looks up at me, peering into me and I almost cry out of relief from her words.

She needs me. 

"Hero, don't let him hurt me, please don't let him hurt me." She begs, and my heart shatters at her words. She doesn't need to ask. I'll die protecting her and that's a promise.

Suddenly her piercing scream rip through me as she's stripped from my body, being dragged away from me by Charlie. She's screaming and I'm so helpless. I want to move, grab her, pull her back to me, anything but sit here and watch him hurt her but I can't move. I'm stuck in this position and it's tearing me apart. She's screaming my name, tears streaming down her face, then there's a flash of headlights and just like that she's gone. I'm screaming, begging for someone, anyone to bring her back to me, but she's gone. Then everything fades to black.

"Hero, wake up! What the fuck were you dreaming man?You about gave me a heart attack, thinking someone had broken in." I crack open my eyes and felix is hovering above me. I sit up quickly, noticing that I'm completely drenched in sweat, and my breathing is heavy and irregular. My heart is beating a million beats per minute, and it feels as if it might explode out of my chest. That dream felt so real, like she was really with me, really asking me to protect her. And when Charlie dragged her away from me, I swear I heard my heart break into multiple pieces, despite it only being a dream. I could feel her breath on my skin, her hair tickling my chin. I felt the magnetic pull towards her, telling me to hold on tight to her and never let go,not even for a second.

"Hero, come on, you need to talk to me. I've never seen you like this before and it's scaring me."

"I had a dream about Jo." I see him roll his eyes, and that sets me off.

"Hero you-"I cut him off, knowing what he's going to say but he is wrong this time.

"No Felix, you listen to me. That girl is mine, okay? She might be engaged to Charlie but there is this connection between the two of us that offers no other explanation other than we are meant for each other. In my dream, everything felt real, almost too real. I was cradling her against my chest and she told me she thinks Charlie is going to hurt her. She told me she wants to break up with him, well not technically but in this reoccurring dream she keeps having, she attempts to break up with him, but he tries to stop her by basically kidnapping her and ends up getting them into a car accident. She said she has this dream almost everyday now, surely that has to mean something? Either way something isn't right, and I have this horrible feeling something is going to happen to her. Felix I can't let her get hurt, I swear if Charlie hurts her he's a dead man. He doesn't deserve her Felix, can't you see that?" Felix looks at me dumbfounded, shocked at all the words that just fell frantically out of my mouth. But he needs to know that these feelings for Jo aren't just some silly temporary crush. I genuinely think she's my soulmate, and I will spend my life fighting for her if I have to.

"Hero, that's a lot to take in. It was only a dream, well, more like a nightmare but still, it's not real. It's not like Jo is actually having dreams like that, and it doesn't confirm that she wants to break up with Charlie. Besides Hero, you and Charlie have been friends for as long as I can remember, and here you are saying his fiancé is your soulmate or some shit. That seems a little shady to me." 

"Felix, you aren't fucking listening to me! That girl is in danger, and I have this overwhelming urge to protect her. I told you right from the start, before Charlie openly claimed Jo as his, that I liked her, and I had intentions of pursuing things. We had spoken on multiple occasions, only in very short little bursts but it was enough for me to know I wanted her. Charlie doesn't deserve her, we both know that. Hell, I don't deserve her either but I will do anything to look after her and ensure her safety, especially from that monster." I'm out of breath at this point as I sit in my bed telling Felix about my crazy dreams. If it was anyone else they would have definitely had me committed to a mental hospital by now, but Felix is my best friend, and knows me enough that I'm clearly distressed.

Felix just shakes his head, apparently not having anything else to say about the case. My insanity over Jo is clouding my thoughts and there's only one thing on my mind right now; 

I need to get to my girl, before its too late.



Hiya!! This was technically the third part but it's the first official full-length chapter! Yay!! 

I genuinely hope you guys like this storyline so far, I know I haven't got very far into it but I have big ideas for this and where I want it to go, so I really hope you stick around!

Please vote and comment, let me know what you thought of this chapter, or what you think of the story in general so far!!

Until next time...

- Phoebe xox

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