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Please be okay.


I cannot allow you to die, not now, not yet.

The universe has finally given us the opportunity to be together, and I refuse to let it take you from me like some sick joke.

I hate Charlie, I really do. How could he do this to the girl he supposedly loved? This perfect specimen of a girl didn't deserve this, but as long as she comes out alive I can work from there. Honestly, I'll take anything I can get with her at this point.

I'm once again sat in the stupid bereavement room, where some nurse left me after she picked me up off the floor 7 hours ago. I have no idea what went wrong, all I knw is after they moved me off the floor, my angel was rushed into emergency surgery to save her life. She wasn't breathing and she had no pulse, so she was technically dead when the doctors got to her. I was told they were going to attempt to save her life, but it was very high risk and the chances of them being able to resuscitate her were unknown.

I haven't heard anything since, and it's been 7 fucking hours.

420 torturously long minutes I've been waiting to hear some sort of news. I've cried endless amounts of tears, waiting for some sliver of hope that she's still alive.

I sit staring at the empty walls in this impersonal room, and I think about Jo's family. She has no family other than an older sister in Australia. I have no idea what happened to her parents, she never told me, but at this point I'm all she has, and I will be here forever.

As soon as the door opens, I am straight on my feet, anxious to hear the news.

"Hero, is it?" I nod, not being able to find my voice. I've cried so much I probably don't even have one anymore.

"We need to have a chat. I don't know what kind of miracle occurred today, but we managed to get her heart beating again, and we got her stabilised 3 hours ago."

Then all of a sudden my voice magically comes back.

"She's been stable for 3 fucking hours and no one thought to come and tell me! This whole time I thought she was dead! What the actual fuck!" But at least she's okay. That's all I care about.

"Hero, I understand how hard this has been for you, and I understand how much Josephine must mean to you, but we had to ensure she was fully stable before we let you know. I also think you should know her condition has greatly improved. She is doing much better, and we really think your presence has aided her to begin a recovery that we didn't think was possible. So please compose yourself, because she needs you."

My presence has improved her condition? But she barely knows I exist? Either way, there is something here, lingering between us that deserves a chance to blossom. And somehow, I'm helping her to cling to life, almost giving her a reason to wake up.

I'm certain now that she will come out of this, one way or another. She will get through it. I don't care what it takes, or what I have to do but she will survive this, and we will be together.

"Okay, but she basically died in my presence, how can I be helping her?" He smiles at me, and hands me a piece of paper, showing the same image that was on the heart rate monitor.

"You see where her heartrate gets faster? That was when you went in her room. The reason her heart stopped was because it went in to overdrive. But its almost as if your presence gave her a reason to fight, because her pulse strengthened immensely. So go and see her, and it may be a long road but for the first time we actually have faith in her recovery. Her body responding in any way is a miracle."

He leads me out of the room and back down a corridor, but when he walks past the room she was in before I get concerned. We walk through the maze-like hospital, how people don't get lost in here baffles me, and we come across a very secluded corridor with dimmed lights.

"We moved her onto this ward because it's more peaceful, and has an extra bed inside, so if you wish to stay overnight, you may do so. I'll give you some privacy, but nurses will be in to check up on her regularly." He walks away as I stare at the door. I take a deep breath, and open the door carefully.

Upon seeing her, I immediately notice some changes. She has much more colour to her now, her skin a light pink rather than the ghostly grey that it was hours ago. There are less monitors surrounding her, meaning they don't need to monitor as many things, which I assume is a good thing. But the best thing I notice, is the absence of the life support machine; She's breathing on her own. Tears of happiness fall down my cheeks at this realisation. She's fighting this, she's fighting so hard and I'm so proud of her. A big fuck you to Charlie, who tried to ruin her life, but here she is proving to him she's way better than that.

I can't help but feel as if she's fighting for us, a do-over if you will. A chance for the life she deserves, because you best believe when she wakes up she will be treated like an absolute queen, as she should have been in the first place.

I move over to the spare bed, and push it as close to Jo as I can without interfering with anything attached to her. I just need to be close to her, and if this is all I can get then I'll take it.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket, and see how late it is, but it feels much later. Waiting to hear if the love of your life is still alive makes time seem so much slower clearly.

I lay on the small bed, which is surprisingly comfortable, and turn to face her. She's so stunning, nothing will ever change that. I really do love her, and can't wait to give her everything she deserves. I reach over, kissing her forehead softly and pushing her hair back off of her forehead.

I gently take her hand, and kiss it, and I should let go, but I can't. I get comfortable, snuggling up to her hand, holding it tightly. Maybe my touch ignites something in her, maybe she feels something for me even in her state. I know I'm probably delusional but these little thoughts get me through the pain of seeing her like this.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I wake up in the middle of the night. I can feel something touching my hand, but before I check it out I make sure all her machines are up and running, checking her heart rate, and it seems stronger than ever.

Then I look down at my hands, and notice, I'm not holding a lifeless hand any more. I'm holding a hand that is now gripping onto me, tightly.

Holy shit.

Does this mean...?

"Josephine? Baby can you hear me?"

I don't even mean to call her baby, but it sounds so natural when attached to her. Besides, she better get used to it because when she's mine she will be my baby and I will take great pleasure in reminding her constantly.

She stirs, and I'm completely shaken up. No way. Oh god, please be real. I am dying to see her beautiful eyes.

I lean over her, placing a kiss on her nose, willing her to open her eyes.

I stare at her, caressing her cheeks, when all of a sudden, her eye lids pop open, and her gorgeous blue grey orbs are staring right back at me.


Enjoy! keep voting and commenting!

Lots of Love

- Phoebe xox

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