Different Lover

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4 Years Later~~


As 4 years past, Yana has been trying to pursue me to agree on trying for a baby which I always refused to her, but she kept being persistent on trying for a baby because she is still embarrassed that my parents didn't want her as a daughter-in law to begin with, so she is thinking that have their grandchildren will help make them like her as she tried visiting and doing everything that Y/N use to do, but nothing worked in her favour at all.

Now Yana and I are at a restaurant for dinner as they were eating their meals a soft, gentle voice could be heard.

???: " Oh..Jimin-Oppa~...?!"

Which made Yana and I look up to see a female figure coming towards their table as she got closer toward me I could see her face and I immediately stood up from my seat and slowly walked out from the table and hugged the figure which was.....Y/N.

Jimin: "What..? How come you're back in Seoul..? When did you come back..? How come you're here in this restaurant..?"

With Jimin's many questions towards Y/N which made Y/N giggle from Jimin's actions and pulled apart from the hug they just had which made Jimin sad but didn't show it though.

Y/N: "I came back last night, and I was here because I was meeting up with some friends and colleagues for dinner that's why."

Jimin: "Awe..I see"

Y/N then remembered his wife was there in which she quickly said.

Y/N: "Hi I'm Y/N, sorry for intruding your dinner."

Which then she bowed softly whereas Yana was giving Y/N daggers of glares towards her for ruining her moment with Jimin at dinner but replied back with some grit on her voice.

Yana: "No, it's fine!"

Y/N: "Ah to answer your question why I'm back here... Hold on let me get something out of my bag..Hold on a second.. I just need to give this to you"

As Y/N was getting something out her bag it looked like an elegant, luxurious envelope which I as well as Yana was curious about what it was and why she was giving it to me as she passed it to me. I read it softly aloud that only Y/N, Yana and myself could hear what it said on the envelope.

Jimin: "Please Come to Our Wedding Day: '______&Y/N'.... Please come to our special day to celebrate our new beginning of husband & wife!"

As I read that aloud and looked at the pre wedding photos, I felt my heart stopped for moment and looked up towards Y/N only to see her smiling and nodding her head to indicate that this was actually is happening to her in which then she also showed her expensive, glamorous engagement ring towards me. 

As Yana seen Y/N engagement ring she instantly compared hers which was just a simple silver band that rested on her fourth finger whereas Y/N was full of small diamonds that surrounds a massive diamond and the two medium diamond that was beside the massive diamond on the silver band. (Of course you can imagine your dream wedding ring)

Yana: "Where did your fiancé got your ring from..?" with jealously hinting in her voice.

Y/N: "Uhhhh....I am not sure, but he customised it so it's one of a kind and he also engraved the inside of it!"

As Y/N said that she softly giggled, but then faced back to Jimin who had a stunned look still which made Y/N question him.

Y/N: "Jimin-Oppa~..? You will come to my wedding right like it would mean a lot to me if you came on my special day to celebrate for me..? You remember you promised me as well as when I went to your wedding."

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