The recap

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It had been six weeks since Draco and the golden trio had been meeting up, they shared secrets, helped ecehother with homework and taught each other things. They had all grown very close to one another, but no one could figure out why, Harry and Draco were closer than ever though. Hermione supported this knowing that Draco was gonna need Harry to survive, but Ron on the other hand was trying to break them apart. He didnt want Harry to be with Malfoy! He supported the LGBTQ but did not support Drarry as Harmione called it. Not only was Draco close with the golden trio but as was Blaise and Pansy. They all got along quite nicely. They all had things they didnt know they had in common. Pansy and Harmione got along like two peas in a pod and Ron and Balise got along fine but secretly Ron hated the Silver trio especially Malfoy. One day Ron came up with a plan to split them apart and it was all on Dracos 17th birthday. He knew he could split th them apart easily cause he knew now that Darco needed Harry to survive so he planned a little suprise just for Darco.

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