Mind Practice

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I sat upright, ready to reach into the depths of my soul. He had said there was once a woman named "Kes" that had very intact telepathic abilities. In my mind I thought: "PERFECT, ANOTHER PERSON TO LIVE UP TO!!". Before another thought hit my mind Tuvok said "I want you to read my mind like last week." As I was already calm I focused on Tuvok as just a diary with a lock on and I'm the key. As I look past his lock, suddenly his thoughts start to hit me like bullets on a AK47. While I'm in his mind, I see images and videos of his memory and it was weirdly emotional thoughts of his children and wife. As I was looking I saw a memory that felt familiar. It was me when I was just 4 years old and my mom had me tested for any weird anomaly's in my body. There was just one. I wasn't human but instead a "mortal like" humanoid with a Q's abilities. For Tuvok it was the weirdest thing he had ever seen. "How did he get a Q's abilities?" Tuvok said. "A natural phenomenon I'll have to study him." Said Doctor. Before I could see anymore of the memory Tuvok started to mind block me. "I see you saw the memory of you and Captain with the Doctor." he said. "I always knew I was different but a Q?" I said. As I thought about this I started to feel a sense of relief because, I now knew that the weird feelings and tingles before something weird happened wasn't a coincidence but a manifestation. Before I had just thought I was Telepathic but a being with infinite power? Definitely NOT. As I went to talk, Tuvok interrupted saying "It is a weird new species but, I suggest you not let this effect your training." "It won't" I said. To myself all I could think about was the question. How? How was I inflicted with Q abilities if I wasn't conceived by one? Why was I mortal? As I was thinking Tuvok said "Shall we do another training next week?" "Yeah. Same time, 15:00 hours." I said to him. "I will see you then." He said. As I headed home I decided if I had a Q's abilities why not use them. I looked at my hand and thought about what to create before it came to me, I'll create a girlfriend to show off. I took a breath and swung my hand through the air, thinking of my dream girl. As my hand came down I heard a "whoosh" sound behind me. I had immediately felt excited but when my head turned around I saw my Mom! When we made eye contact she sighed "You found out." and I was shot with emotions as I screamed at her, "YOU KNEW!?!". She just looked at me and calmly said "Why wouldn't I? I'm your mother.". "I have abilities does Sienna?" I said. As my words began to sink in she became very frightened. "I never thought to check. You are a twin but you were the only one with weird symptoms." she said. "But it's possible. We better get home.". Before she started walking I thought hard about home and swung my hand through the air. I felt my particles split and reappear. I looked around and realized I was in my front yard. I had done it, I used my powers in a way that had worked in my favor. Before I could bask in my glory my sister came out and said "Where were you?". I didn't know what to say.

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