Chapter 5- Attaboy!

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April casually walked through the almost empty streets of New York. It was a Friday night, the week has been exhausting for her but it wasn't over yet. She wasn't just a college student but she was an intern for Channel 6 news during the weekend as well.

"No, please! Let me go!"

April heard frantic shouting, not far from where she was. Without thinking, she slowly and carefully searched for the source of the noise. She came to an alley and hastily peeked from the corner. There, she saw 4 men, one was being dragged into a van by 2 men who were both dressed in black overalls including a mask that covered their face entirely and the remaining one who was also in the same attire stood in front of them.

"Put him in." The leader, as April noticed, commanded his henchmen as he gestured to the van.

April pulled out her phone to film the scene but it clumsily fell to the ground, capturing their attention. She hurriedly picked up her phone that was thankfully in one piece. The redhead didn't need to think twice as she ran for her life for she knew, she was going to be pursued because she was a witness.

"Somebody's out there. Go see who it is and bring him to me." The leader ordered as the two henchmen successfully threw the man into their getaway vehicle and went to do what their boss said.

April cursed at herself for being clumsy and giving her position as she continued to run. She tried to think of something to get out of her predicament and an idea came to her.

She ran her fastest and made her way to a nearby establishment or any place where there are lots of people. Surely, her pursuers wouldn't be able to get her there because she knew they would make a scene.

She saw a nearby bank, which was thankfully open, and smiled as she came closer and closer. Just as she was a few meters away, the same vehicle that her pursuers had used, blocked her way, prompting her to turn and came face to face at a dead end alley.

"It's quite a shame, she's a real beauty." One of the two henchmen said to the other; April could imagine a sickening grin that came with the comment.

The leader hopped off of from the driver's seat and stood in the middle of the two henchmen.

"What should we do with her?"

"Would we end her? Can we have a little fun with her before we do?"

The henchmen inquired as they turned to their boss but didn't let the college student out of their sight.

"Bring her with us. She might be useful to us."

"But, boss-"

"Do as I say or there shall be consequences. You got that?"

The henchmen didn't argue anymore and did what they were told but things did not go as they have planned. They came face to face with the terrifying vampire turtle hybrid that seemingly came out of nowhere. He stood in front of the girl, blocking their view of her and just his very presence intimidated them.

"You want the girl? You have to kill me first." Donatello taunted through clenched teeth.

April looked at the vampire turtle hybrid in front of her, she was rather thankful that he had come to her aid once again but it could not be denied that she was afraid of him too.

"What the hell!" One of the henchmen cursed.

The leader gaped at the sight before him but quickly recovered, "What are you two standing around for? Grab the girl now!"

The two of them were terrified to come closer to the turtle but they were more frightened if they didn't follow their leader's command. Ignoring the menacing aura of the hybrid, they lunged at him in unison. Mere seconds later, they were already laying on the ground, unconscious.

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