Chapter 8

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Me: We are with Kota right now so yeah.

Kota: * Sigh * It's probably going to be negative again...

Pixie Bob: Did you have a fun time~?

Kota: Huh?!

Pixie Bob: I heard everything~

Kota: Please don't tell anyone!

Pixie Bob: Promise! Now go take the pregnancy test! It's going to be fun having another little one running around!

Kota: Shhhhhh!

Pixie Bob: Sorry! I'll be going now!

Kota: I know she's not going to keep that secret for to long...

Me: Kota is in the bathroom taking the pregnancy test.

Kota: If Pixie Bob tells everyone they'll be disappointed.. Then Tiger will ban me from seeing Hiro.. Then I'll be kicked out * sobs * then live on the street having my baby have a terrible childhood and not knowing who there father * sobs * is!

Me: The Kota gets a glance of the test and it's positive!

Kota: Omg! I need to tell Hiro!

Me: Kota then runs out of the bathroom but is stopped in his tracks.

Mandalay: So you are pregnant! Even though all of us heard you guys.

Kota: I can explain!

Mandalay: Kota I'm not mad! I'm happy that your pregnant! I could see that you to loved each other from the start when he first came over here you two were very close!

Kota: Wait really?!

Mandalay: Yes really Hiros a good guy! Pixie Bob said you had a great choice in men I agree with her he's hot!

Kota: First of all did Pixie Bob tell you about this!? Second of all why Pixie Bob say that?! Third of all Pixie Bob needs to fuck off he's mine and that goes for you too!

Mandalay: Pixie Bob didn't tell me in fact I knew before her. Pixie Bob is just being Pixie Bob. It was a joke and mind your language!!

Kota: Ohhhhh. Um does Tiger know?

Mandalay: Uh no heh...

Kota: Oh dear lord um I'm gonna tell Hiro that Tiger doesn't know yet.

Pixie Bob: If he were to find out he would probably kick Hiros butt!

Kota: Oh I didn't know you were there!

Mandalay: She has a point!

Kota: Well then I'll defend Hiro!

Pixie Bob: Good luck with that!

Tiger: With what?

Me: Kota hides the pregnancy test behind his back so Tiger didn't know.

Mandalay: WITH uh cleaning his room!

Pixie Bob: Yeah it's a mess!

Tiger: Ok then!

Me: Kota then reveals the pregnancy test again.

Kota: That was a close call.

Mandalay: Yeah.

Pixie Bob: Ok now go tell Hiro about the good news!

Kota: Ok!

Me: Kota then goes to his room.

Pixie Bob: Aren't you excited!

Mandalay: His parents would be proud..

Pixie Bob: Yeah... But that's in the past now is time for new beginnings!

Mandalay: Your right.

Me: Now with Kota. This is in text.

♡Koko♡: Hiro come over here quickly I have news!

♧My Hero♧: I see you have that nickname I gave you~

♡Koko♡: Shut up!

♧My Hero♧: You didn't shut up in bed~

♡Koko♡: Stap being a perv and get your ass over here!

♧My Hero♧: Mkay. But I can't stop being a what you like to call " perv "

♡Koko♡: Just get over here!

♧My Hero♧: I can get that ass for you~

♡Koko♡: Stop flirting >/////< !

♧My Hero♧: Fine... anything for the princess!

♡Koko♡: Stoppppppppp!!!!!

♧My Hero♧: All right I'm coming over there right now.

Me: End of text.

Kota: I wonder what should we name you? Boy or girl? Hmmm I'm gonna let both of us decide.

Me: Hiro then got there.

Hiro: What's the big news?

Kota: You see Hiro.....

Hiro: Hm?

Kota: I'm pregnant!

Hiro: Really?!

Kota: Yes!

Hiro: That's amazing! I guess I did a good job~

Kota: Fuck you!

Hiro: Says the person that got fucked.

Kota: 😝

Hiro: Whatever! Um boy or girl?

Kota: Um I wanted you to answer that question.

Hiro: It doesn't really matter to me. Cause it will still be my child!

Kota: Heh yeah dummie!

Me: 669 words noice.

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