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VanceOctober 14, 2019 (3:18 PM)

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October 14, 2019 (3:18 PM)

"What happened to the fancy car I seen you posed up in on the gram?"

"Shit was rented."

"Oh ok. That makes more sense."

"Watchu mean? You don't think I coulda owned it?"

"I know you couldn't have. Unless you forgot to tell me you was apart of a rich family..."

I lightly snickered. "Nah. I was payin some ov my old friends a visit and I needed to look...presentable."

"Sure, ok. So where'd you wanna take me?" She smiled.

I shrugged. "I'm thinkin we could go get chu dat rainbow bagel that I was tellin you about."

"...ok bet, but we needa make it quick cause I gotta wake up early for class tomorrow."

"Aight, I gotchu girl," I said before I turned the keys in the ignition.

When I started driving, the car got quiet but not in a awkward way tho.

She is so beautiful bruh. And I love how she not nervous.

"Speaking of class, how college treatin you?" I asked her.

I looked over at her to see her shrug. "It's exactly like I imagined."

"Oh yeah? And how did you imagine it?"

"Classes are boring and long but very important..."

"Either way, you should cherish ya time here. Not everyone can make it to college...shiiiii, look at me."

"Well if you did get the chance, you'd have the same opinion as me."

"Right cause I'm just as opinionated as you," I chuckled being sarcastic.

"I'm not opinionated," Desiree said in a defensive tone.

"Aight...you not. My bad," I shrugged.

The car got quiet again for about a minute but I couldn't let it be.

"Look atchu...like you for real juss got in the car wit a former criminal. Why's that?" I asked her, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Cause maybe I don't see you as a criminal right now. Maybe I just see you as a friend that I ain't seen in a long ass time..." she said in what sounded like an honest tone.

I glanced over at her and she was already looking at me. "You the first and only person to say that to me since I been out..."

"Well I'm glad to be the first."

When we pulled up to the place, I went in without her and came back out with two rainbow bagels wit funfetti cream cheese.(In MM)

"Here. It finna buss," I handed hers to her when I got back in the car.

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