"The Mind Flyer's Spy" - Chapter 5

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When we got home Will was definitely not himself, he was pail, and was consistent on telling us; "He likes it cold!" By this time, Jonathan, and Nancy had arrived by this time since Mrs. Byers called them to tell to come home. El, and I went to watch Will since we didn'tl trust him Being alone, While Joyce, Hoper, And the boys stayed were in the living room telling Jonathan, and Nancy everything that's been going on.

We checked on Will to make sure it was okay, when El, and I went in his room he was just sitting on his bed shirtless and starring at the wall

El's POV:

Will?? ... Will?? What's wrong??
When J, and I went to check, and stay with Will while the others talked in the living room; we found him just starring at the wall, I knew something was very wrong.
Will!! WILL!!
He wasn't responding! I walked towards him to try, and get his attention. He was still not himself from the episode he had in the middle of the school when Mike found him outside. WILL! I shout again to try, and get him to respond, and get him out of trans, or mind control he was under.

He finally answers starting blankly. Who likes it coldc Will? I ask him, although I knew what be talking about. "HIM" Will says, him?? Who's him I ask. "I don't know, he's big, scary, black, and with many long legs! When I see him I see a big gray, and red cloud with in it... or around him"

I take a moment to take what he's telling me in, then I once again ask Will, "who likes it cold?, do you know his name?"


J's POV:

When he said that the others had joined us in the room, and heard what will had said. Joyce was in total shock along with us all, El looked at me in that moment, and gestured me to come to her. I wheeled over to her:
El? What's wrong?
El: We need to... talk in private.
Okay I say.

We look over at Mrs Byers, and everyone in the room , then I follow El into another room in the house.

El's POV:
I'm so worried, El says to me as I close the door behind us; why what's wrong? The "Bad Men" are after me J, they want to hurt me. And Will... Will is in danger!

J's POV:
What do you mean I say, we already know he's in danger, he's possessed by this thing right? (Although I knew exactly what she meant.)

El's POV:
Will is the MindFyers SPY J. Meaning that he watches our every move through Will! That's why will is is acting so weird, and when he's "okay" it's because the MindFyer doesn't "need him" at the time.

J's POV:
Again, I knew exactly what she meant, but with all that currently happening, I didn't want to say anything right now. What are we going to do El, we need to get that thing out of him, he's getting worse by the day! And El, this isn't your fault non of this is.

El's POV:
I have to close the gate J, it's the only way to stop this! And I have to tell all of you.

J's POV:
No El, that's to dangerous! I don't want anything to happen to you no one does, no one will; we are in this TOGETHER OK?! We love you so much.

El's POV: No J, I think I have to do this myself, I'm the reason this is happening, and I don't want anyone else I love getting hurt.

J's POV: El, this isn't your fault, and we aren't going to let anything happen to you! Come on let's go tell the others, we got this.

El's POV: Ok!

We go back inside to tell the others the plan, we we enter the house everyone is gathered in the living room, and look at us when they hear us enter.

Mike's POV: what's going on girls, El are you ok?

El's POV: We need to talk...

Hopper's POV: what is it El?

El's POV: I know what I have to do to stop the MindFlyer, and safe Will.. I have to close the gate to the upside down
Mrs. Byers and Hopper look at each other trying to process this, it took them a minute to say something

Mrs. Byers POV: : El do you know how dangerous this is, Are you sure about this sweetie?

Hoppers  POV: It's too dangerous El! Your not doing this alone.

El's POV: I know, but I have to this is all my fault; I made this happen, so I have to stop it.

Hopper's POV: Okay, but we are doing this together. What do we need to do.

El explains everything, along with getting the MindFlyer out of Will. It was going to be a long battle, but we needed to do this and prepare.

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