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Afraid to meet Amaan again in the room, Asmaira decided to explore the garden area on her own after she came out of the living room after her evening tea. She was still not comfortable to go to his room and also the conversation she had with Fariya in the earlier part of the day was still echoing in her mind.

"She had high expectations from you, I hope you won't disappoint both of us". Fariya told her when she met her in her study.

She randomly roamed in the garden not specifically moving anywhere. She needed her moment, she needed her time to settle. She was scared that she would let them down. She never left her family for a day and here she was, living in a new surrounding. She felt out of place.

When she met Hania and Ishaal she noticed that she looked odd. Though they don't make her feel inferior, but she could see a huge difference between her class and theirs. Mrs Hashmi was a polite woman who seemed to support her, but she has a reputation to maintain too. Though she didn't marry to become part of their society, yet it was part and parcel of life she chose.

Raina was so natural, she thought.

'You are not here to impress them' she tried mentally preparing herself. With her zero confidence how was she supposed to handle the responsibility, how will she be able to achieve it, she dint decide any particular plan to handle it. What was she supposed to do now? One hand she has to avoid her devil husband as much as possible or till she attain her plan. On the other hand, she had zero experience in handling the new role.

'Where are you now? Are you happy? She thought while looking at the evening sky. "Raina" she whispered.

While Asmaira was in her own thoughts, Fariya was noticing her from the wall length window in her study. The initial doubts which she held for Asmaira was long gone, however, she could see the inner struggle Asmaira was going through. She could see that she was scared, she was lost, but she was determined to handle her new role. Even Salar put across his doubt to Fariya once.

"Are you sure about her? What if she is not the right person?" Salar asked.

At that time, even Fariya was skeptical, but after meeting Asmara today she is confident. The only problem now is Amaan.

"Mummy" Fariya's chain of thoughts was broken when Ishaal called her.

She moved her gaze from Asmaira and looked at Ishaal.

"Kabir is awake!"

"Very well, ask Maya to call Asmaira to my room and make sure we are not to be disturbed until I say" Fariya spoke while making her way back to her room. She turned to Ishaal and told,"You know what to do".

Ishaal nodded and left.

Asmaira stood near Fariya's door and knocked gently. She knows why she was called for, she was waiting for this moment since long, she knew this is what she is here for. Mixed emotions were seen on her pale face. She was scared, nervous and also a slight hint of guilt was there in her eyes. She took a deep breath and went inside the room.

The moment she entered the room, she froze and what welcomed her made her eyes moist and soon a trail of tears started falling all over her face. She was least concerned with the curious look she was getting, as if the only thing that was there in the room was her and the Baby. Yes an year old baby was sitting on Fariya's lap giggling and playing with her hair. Along with Fariya and her daughter in law, there were three other females, two girls aged about 8 or 9 and three boys, aged 9 or more.

'Just like her' Asmaira thought.

When Fariya saw her, she ushered her to sit beside her while the baby was still on her lap. She hesitated as a new wave of guilt caught her, however, seeing Mrs Hashmi's encouraging smile she slowly started taking steps and sat beside Fariya. Reading Asmaira's face Fariya told, "Kabir looks exactly like her, except for his green eye", while gently caressing his face.

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