Earth In Win's House

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Earth get the discharge from the hospital and Win was walking with him. He then look at Earth and said, "I'll drop you home P'Earth." Earth sat on the car and said, "Drop me to one of the hotel!" Win was surprised by it and asked, "Why will P'Earth will stay in a hotel? Why can't be P'Earth stay at his place? It was then Earth told him that his place is getting renovated and it will take a week to all the work to be done.

Win suddenly lost in thoughts and after some moment said, "You can't stay at hotel because you are not well as the place for getting rest is at home." He then gave a smile and continued, "Also doctor too said that you need to rest and be stress free. So how about you come to my place and stay there."

Earth thought for sometime and said, "It's okay I don't want to bother you anymore." Win hold the hands of Earth and said, "It's not a bother at all because he is being staying alone at home so it will be better to have someone at home. Also I can take care of you too. And this way I won't be staying alone at the home." Earth smiled, brushed the hairs of Win and said, "Yes, then I'll stay at your place."

Win was happy after hearing the answer of Earth. He was happy because he no longer has to stay alone at home. He will someone else with him too. Earth was happy seeing happiness on the face of Win. Both of them reach Win's home and Earth realized that Win is not an ordinary person. He is someone who has good status. But he know that Victor will soon find information about Win and will give him.

When Win entered home he was asked many questions as to where he was? Why he was late? Is he okay?? And seeing this scenario was surprising and shocking both for Earth

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When Win entered home he was asked many questions as to where he was? Why he was late? Is he okay?? And seeing this scenario was surprising and shocking both for Earth. The people who were asking such questions to Win were no one other than the servants of the house. Win gave a smile and said, "That he is fine." He took a round of himself to let them see that he is perfectly fine.
Earth immediately came to know that Win has friendly relationship with his servants which is likely to be rare.

Most of the people will be like thank you or sorry type with their servants, some will be rude. But Win was totally different he treated them like his family.
Win then smiled and said, I was late because I was bringing a guest with us. He is P'Earth, he will be staying with us for some days as his house is getting renovated. He has met with an accident and doctor has tell him to rest. So we all will be taking care of him. The servants look at Earth with a smile and said, "Don't worry guest of Win will be treated with utmost respect. We will prepare the room for you."

Win show Earth his house. At that time Earth ask, "Why did you stay alone at such a big place?"  Win said,  "It's his first time visiting Thailand as he is being grown up in America with his Elder brother." He then looked at Earth and said, "I know you must thinking then why I'm in Bangkok, Thailand. Let me tell its because my deceased parents studied in the university "Chulalongkorn University." So I wanted to get graduate from this university. I want to be an animal doctor so that I can treat the animals."

Earth and Win's conversation were interrupted by an old guy who seems to be one of the servant who came and said, "The room is ready you can get freshen up and we will serve dinner then." Win smiled towards the old guy and said, "Thank you we will be on dinning table by twenty." The old man than left the room and Win looked at Earth and said, "Come Phi Earth I'll show you, your room." The room was spacious, with everything in it. What Earth mostly like about the room is balcony. You can view the garden fully from this room.

After sometime when Earth came downstairs he saw that Win was wearing a blue color pyjama with golden moon and stars on it. Earth couldn't help but say to himself that "He is cute". Both of them ate the dinner silently as Earth was surfing his cellphone. After dinner Earth noticed that Win gave him medicine which he has forgot to take and said, "Thank you." Win only smile and said, "No problem you just rest."

Win and Earth both then headed to their own room. Win video called his Phi and told him about Earth staying with him, he didn't skip how they met, and Tay was glad by it. He said that it's not to be worry about because he will be coming soon and he will see who this Earth guy is. With that both the brothers chatted for sometime before hanging up the call.

Win was sleeping soundlessly when his room door was opened silently. A shadow was seen and then a person was walking slowly in Win's room. He sat in front of Win and saw him sleeping silently. He couldn't take off his eyes from sleeping Win because he is looking too cute. Slowly he removed his cellphone and clicked the picture of Win and the way he has come in Win's room with that way he go out of it.

Earth was startled when a maid ask him as to what's the matter? Earth gave a smile and replied, "That he just wanted to see if Nong'Win is asleep or not. Just wanted to say him thank you but it's okay I can always say that tomorrow." And with that Earth came back to his room. He called Victor and said, "I've send you a picture, get that picture print and I've selected a frame for that picture, collect it and frame the picture I've given in my bedroom wall when it's renovated.

Hi guys I'm back with another chapter. So now Earth is at Win's home. And he has secretly taken picture of Win.

Now how will life of Win be with Earth around him.

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Lots of Love from LilFlower ❤️❤️

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