Sleeplessness (original work)

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F/F (Yui x Akari, established relationship)

"Yui?" Akari called out to the dark house.

"Akari! Welcome home." Yui beamed, jumping into the girl's arms, bringing them both to the floor.

"Hi there pretty girl." Akari whispered, kissing Yui's nose as Yui expertly clung onto Akari.

"Akari, are you tired? Have you eaten?" Yui asked, eliciting a laugh from the girl in question.

"One by one, Yui. Let's get off the floor first." Akari got on her feet, pulling Yui back into her arms, legs wrapped around Akari's waist.

"Akari. Did you overwork yourself again?" Yui frowned, another kiss landed on her nose as Akari walked to the kitchen, Yui holding on to her like an oversized koala.

"No I didn't. You wouldn't like it, so I didn't do it." Akari nudged the girl's head with her own, pouting until Yui gave her a kiss.

"Yui. Do you mind if we just sleep tonight?" Akari asked.

"Are you kidding?" Yui frowned.

"I know, i know. I'm just tired-"

"Akari. I don't remember the last time you asked to sleep. I'm excited, sweetheart. Perfectly happy." True to her words, Yui was beaming, eager to jump off of Akari.

"Let me walk. You're tired." Yui insisted, receiving a quick 'no'.

Akari tightened her hold, kicking off her shoes as she made a beeline to their room.

Yui slid out of her hold, settling into the cold sheets, Akari joining her as she made quick work of her clothes, swapping formal wear for one of Yui's sweaters.

"Good night, Akari." Yui's voice was muffled into her girlfriend's chest, bringing out another smile from the girl.

"Good night Yui." Akari responded, kissing the top of Yui's head with a satisfied grin.

5 minutes of sleeplessness turned into 10, 10 turned into 30.

Before long, Akari knew sleep wasn't an option, whether she liked it or not.

Slipping her arm out from under Yui's head, Akari got off the bed, sluggish steps to the kitchen.

Akari kept quiet as she settled into the window seat, warm mug of tea held close in hopes it would lull her to sleep.

Occasionally, she would glance in the direction of her room with Yui, butterflies fluttering again as Yui filled her thoughts.

Perhaps it was her third, maybe it was her fourth cup of tea, when the sun peaked from behind the clouds, birds chirping without a care for the people who lay asleep.

'At least I don't have to work today,' Akari grumbled to herself, washing her mug.

"Akari. You're up early." Yui hugged her from behind, a few centimetres shy of reaching her shoulder.

Akari decided against telling Yui of her long night, opting to give a meaningless hum instead.

"Did you sleep well?" Yui asked, her finger guiding Akari's face to face her.

"Better with you." Akari smiled, kissing the tip of Yui's nose as she placed the mug in the drying rack.

Yui turned her around, hands placed on both sides, trapping her between Yui and the sink.

"How about you tell me the truth, Akari? Did you sleep?" Yui frowned, watching as Akari struggled to stifle the worst-timed yawn possible.

"A little. I'm okay." Akari could easily pick Yui up and escape her hold if she wanted to, but it would do more damage than good.

"Akari. Why didn't you wake me up?" Yui crossed her arms, and Akari couldn't help feeling amused with Yui's dissatisfaction at her sleeping schedule.

"And do what, darling? Keep you up while I drank tea?" Akari smiled, Yui huffing indignantly. 

"I could have helped you." Yui mumbled, pouting as she kept her frown.

"Mhm. I'm sure you could, but I'd rather not ruin your sleep." Akari closed the barely existing distance, kissing Yui's pout away.

It wasn't one of their heated ones, passionate or lust-driven, and it didn't leave them breathless.

Instead, Akari pulled back a little, grinning like the little shit she was against Yui's lips before she kissed her again, unable to help the smile that crept up as the kiss prolonged.

Yui laughed a little, shaking her head as she retreated from her beloved, hands loose around Akari's waist.

"You need sleep." Yui nudged Akari gently, and the latter gave her a shrug.

"Maybe." Akari slipped her hands from Yui's face to her sides, quickly finding the spot she had aimed for.

Yui all but screamed in laughter, Akari's fingers tickling her sides with no mercy.

Giggles and snorts, breathless, quiet laughter followed by a shriek, and a chase that lead them to the couch, Akari straddling Yui as she tickled her.


Akari relented, leaving her winded girlfriend on the couch, gasping for air with a harmless glare in her direction.

"Yui? Is there something you'd like to say?" Akari gave Yui an innocent smile, pillow tossed in her face as a response.

"Ass." Yui stuck her tongue out, the ever-mature woman she was.

"I'm more than my ass, Yui. Please don't use me for my body." Akari mocked sadness, wiping away an invisible tear for extra dramatics.

"Come here." Yui gestured.

Akari complied, an eyebrow raised with piqued curiosity.

"I'm not ticklish, if you're looking for revenge." Akari stated evenly, receiving yet another pillow to her face.

"No you idiot." Yui pulled her down to the couch by her hand.

Their couch was unnecessarily large, but Akari had reasoned that some nights they argued and needed space, and this was the easiest solution.

She was right, of course, but they had never used the couch for anything of that sort, except on the days they were both drunk and mad with lust.

Yui pulled Akari to lie down beside her, shifting to let Akari rest her head on her shoulder.

"I'll get you to sleep, no matter how long it takes." Yui whispered, running a hand through Akari's impossibly straight hair.

"Thank you, love." Akari snuggled into her side, quiet overtaking them save for Yui's lullaby that she had only ever used on her cat and her younger cousins.

A few minutes later, Yui glanced down, Akari's eyes shut with her hand in Yui's.

"There we go. Sleep well Akari."

Long gone in sleep, Yui kissed her frown away, falling into sleep with her girlfriend beside her.

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