Chapter 1

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12/18(A/N) - I honestly had an Idea with this but now I don't, I mean I kinda do but it's as clear as a ghost :') I'll still try to roll with this though, wish me luck ~~'

Ring Ring~
Ring Ring~

Fucking hell is it time already?.. That didn't feel anywhere near enough time
I open my eyes and feeling the slight burn of the light coming in from my bedroom window, my eyelids immediatly close contact with the annoying feeling it brought to my eyes. Knowing it was time to wake up and move around made me feel really lazy, nonetheless I look over to my left and there on my night stand was my phone blarring like there's no tomorrow, at this point i'm surprised I haven't thrown it out the window like the last one. I grab it, turn off the alarm then toss it aside on my bed. I sat up and dragged my hands down my face. Despite having gotten around 9 hours of sleep I feel way too tired, sleep early and wake up refreshed my ass. None the less that alarm has a reason as to why it has to wake me up at 7:30 when my classes start at 9:25 and its so I can get ready and look my best for the whole day. I have a day full of classes and don't want to look like shit, so I wake up early to avoid that.

Getting out of bed I walk towards my bathroom and take a quick 15 minute shower. Getting out I choose my clothes for the day, I need to choose something cool looking but also comfortable, my last class is at 6:34 so I'm not coming home for a while. Choosing some black ripped jeans that were kinda big but fitting and comfy, along with a plain white tee and my red hoodie then lastly my red high top converse. I walk over to a small vanity I have in my room, it used to be Nya's but she got a new one and mom didn't want to throw this one out since it was fairly new. I open one of the four small compartments it has, the one I opened contained all the different jewlery I own. Picking out my regular black stud earring, two black huggie earrings for my right ear and the other stud pair along with a black industrial bar that had a small heart in the middle for my left ear. That last one's my favorite cause it always catches the ladies' eye's.


moving onto my makeup, I don't do anything fancy. Just a very small eyeliner wing, a little bit of golden eyedshadow on my eyes and the tip of my nose and the lightest bit of blush. I try to go for a "natural" look, just small details and highlights to my already good looks. By this time my hair is already semi-dry but I still go back to my bathroom and get my hair dryer and a pocket comb to then begin drying my hair while brushing it up in a spiky sorta look, I do use some hair spray to keep it in place but not much to make it all hard and crusty, just enough to maintain its shape long enough before and girl or my asshole friends ruin it by touching it, they never understood the meaning of "keep your hands to yourself" but I guess I didn't either when it comes to the ladies, don't attack me now, I do it as long as they let me.

Finishing my hair I place everything back in it's place, brushing my teeth and rinsing three times with minty mouth wash I finish anything I needed to do invloving the bathroom and walk out turning off the lights behind me, closing the door and continue getting ready. At this point it's just a matter of materials, I grab my small yet medium sized black backpack that has red straps with cool flame designs and it's honestly my favorite. Putting in my computer, homework and an empty notebook for any random notes along with my computer's charge and lastly a small wooden pencil. Zipping up my stuff i'm now done with anything needed to be done in my room, heading downstairs I see Nya eating a piece of bread with nutella spread on it and small banana chunks. She looks up at me and smiles, her eyes gesturing towards a plate diagonal to hers, signaling me that that's mine. Grabing it I eat it and check the time, 8:45..

Jeez, it's already pretty late. School it's too far away, it's just a 15 minute drive, I get up and put one of my backpack's straps on my shoulder while walking over to a small table we have near the door, grabbing my keys. Nya see me and she hurridly grabs her backpack as well and stuffs her mouth with the last bite of her bread and speed walks over to me. Our parents are home, they're overseas for the month on a business trip..It's normal at this point, we don't see them much but we still have a strong bond as a family. Walking over to my *Porsche 911 carrera convertible, we get in and get ourselves settled. As soon as I hear Nya's seatbelt click I start the car and begin pulling out of our drive way, heading towards school. There's only like 5 stop lights on the way and most of them were green.

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