pt 29🧖🏽‍♀️.

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I got my nails hair and even a wax done prior to the date. I wanted everything to be perfect which is why we decided to go to one of the highest rated restaurants in L.A.

By the time we got there I checked in to his table and made my way with the waiter to lead me.

I smiled and sat across from him.

He jumped setting his phone down making me laugh, "Well a hello would be nice."

"My fault ian see you.." "I mean hello."

"Its nice here huh."

He nodded, "Lets just hope the food is as good as it looks."

Finally a waitress approached our table with a clipboard in hand and a big smile on her face.

"Hey everyone how are we doing tonight?"

"I'm good and how are you?" we both said in almost synchronization.

"I'm good, my name is Brooke and I'll be you're waitress today. can I start you two off with a drink?"

We both smiled and he let me order my drink first then his own.

"I would like to" I previewed the menu for a moment before looking back to her, "Could I just start off with water?"

She nodded writing it down.

"Water?" he scrunched his face at me.

"Whats wrong with water?"

He shook his head and turned to her, "Ill have a Witbeir I saw you guys have on the menu." (I dont drink y'all please dont come for me I had to look shit up).

She nodded once again writing it down, "Alright guys, next time you see me I'll be back with your drinks."

She headed off to who knows where and I looked back to him, "Imagine drinking beer."

"Imagine havin plain ass water."

I shrugged.

"So Kind right?"

"Yeah, Kindley."

"Thats a cute name, how'd you think of that?"

I poked my lips to the side thinking of an answer, "Actually her dad thought of it."

"My fault I didnt realize."

"You're fine." Thinking to what he said during our call made me curious, "Actually, im curious as to why you dont like him."

"Its alot, everything went down at a concert but we aint gotta get into all that."

"No really I wanna know."

He sighed ignoring me until Brooke finally came back with our drinks setting them on the table.

"Here are your straws." She said in a singsong voice setting them on the table and we both thanked her with bright smiled until she nodded, "Ill be back soon and you guys can order your food."

She then walked off and I looked back to him.

"Look, even if you don't want to tell me what makes you dislike him so much...I think I know a way to get back at him."

Of course he was now bright eye and bushy tailed ready to listen to anything I had in store for him.


The rest of the night was great, we talked about any and everything we could think of. I ordered a steak while he ordered lobster tail (yuck) and the meal was great aswell, finally it was time to go home.

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