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You and Billy were in bed at your apartment in California, the two of you had been dating since senior year, the first time you met you were instantly attracted to eachother.
Throughout the last year of school you were the person who was there for Billy, his home life became really bad, getting beaten up and verbally abused everyday by his so called father, then the confusion of being left by his mom, you were his constant, no matter what happened you was always there for him.

Because of Billy's home life, the beginning of your relationship wasn't easy, Billy was always snapping and saying you were too clingy, but he always came around, he was always the one showing up at your house after midnight, he was always the one waiting outside school for you.
Eventually you just came to the conclusion that was his was of dealing with things.
When school finished you both packed up and moved to California, that was something Billy had always said he needed to do and you always said you would follow him to the ends of the earth.

It had been 5 years since you and Billy arrived in California, at first you rented a small one bedroom apartment above a gym, Billy loved and hated that apartment, he loved having a gym right below him so he could work out when ever he wanted to but he also hated it because on your days off, you would spend the day at the beach, and when you got out of the car in your bikini the guys outside would be trying to flirt with you, Billy could hear the guys on the inside making comments about you, "man look at the beauty outside", "I bet she rides dick like a pro".

You couldn't count the amount of times Billy has been asked to leave the gym for fighting because of this, he was super protective but that's something you loved about him.
After a few time he came home and told you what they said, you made a point of always going in to see him when you knew he was in the gym.
You would walk in wearing your bikini top and shorts and ignore all the guys whistling at you and head straight over to your boyfriend, one time he was bench pressing some weights, you walked up to him calling out, "babe, I'm heading to the beach il see you soon ok?", he would instantly put the weights back on the rack and pull you into his chest, "mm how about you skip the beach and come upstairs with me?", you would place a long, sexy kiss on his lips before replying, "baby I would love nothing more but I have a plan, how about I go sunbathe and when I get back all sweaty and covered in sand and cream you can help me wash the day off?", he would rub his hands up and down your body as you spoke, then when you left he was hailed king, yet again.

You finally left the one bedroom apartment and were now living in a four bedroom house very close to the beach, it took a lot of hard work from you and Billy to final get an nice home, you work as a florist and Billy worked as a lifeguard at the beach.
Billy had barely spoken to Neil after he left Hawkins, so naturally he didn't speak it Susan which he didn't care about, all he did care about was seeing Max, luckily you did all of the talking, you called Susan and arranged to pick max up from the bus station, you dropped her back off, you and Billy paid for her tickets.
You were super happy that Billy and Max has this relationship, it was hard for Billy at the beginning because he just wanted to move away and forget, but you explained to him that this wasn't Max's fault and that if he didn't speak to her it would be like letting Neil win again just like he won when Billy's mom stopped seeing him, this instantly put it into perspective for him and that weekend he went and bought furniture for Max's bedroom at your house.


It was 2 am when you woke up in agony, you began screaming out for Billy, "BILLY!! Wake up! It's happening!", Billy jolted up out of bed, "what! Now! Shit ok ok", he ran over to your closet and picked up the pre packed suitcase before returning to you and kneeling at your feet he looked up at you, "ok baby, I'm going to help you up now, are you ready to have our baby", he smiled at you, it was a genuine smile, filled with so much love, you smiled back at him, "not really but let's do this", you took his hand and he slowly guided you down the stairs, he was been so gentle with you as if you would break at any minute.
When you got to the car he helped you in and fastened your seatbelt before running to his side, "Y/N you got this ok babe, I'm here you not alone, god I love you", you smiled at him whilst doing your breathing exercises, you wanted to properly reply but you had to focus on the pain and getting through it.

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