Barrier 22

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Mark's POV

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for you," Vee quickly asked me as soon as I approached out table at the cafeteria. He had his eyebrows furrowed and he looked like he's already frustrated that I didn't come straight here after my class.

Instead of answering, I just quickly hugged him and buried my face into his chest as I continued to cry. "I hurt him Vee. He was hurting because of me. All he did was care for me but I did nothing but to inflict him with pain," I said in between my sobs.

It seems like he got what I meant right away. He rubbed my back gently to console me from my tears. "Its not your fault Mark. You didn't mean to hurt him. Pain is part of love. We get hurt when we love someone and that's inevitable," he said as he tried to comfort me.

"Mean, despite the short time we knew each other, he already became a part of my life. I'm sure that he'll be distant after this and I can't," I said in between my tears.

"Shh baby, of course he needs time to move on. But I'm sure he'll be back in no time. You already became a part of his life too," he comforted me. He raised my chin up to make me look at him. "So hush now okay?" he said.

I nodded. I pulled away from him as I realized that we already got the attention of some people here in the cafeteria. "Thank you Vee," I said sincerely. Although I'm sad, Vee is right. I'm sure he'll be back after he moves on. I just need to give him some space.

Kan pushed a plate full of food to my direction. "Here, I bought you food. Eat. You already have little time left," he reminded me.

I nodded and started eating. I looked over at my side and Vee was just looking at me as I ate. He's already done eating. "I'm sorry if I made you wait. I should've texted you that I'll meet up with Mean first before I went there," I apologized.

He smiled and messed up my hair. "Its fine baby. I'm actually a bit glad that it happened," he said and he showed me his infamous grin. I just slapped him on his chest and rolled my eyes.

I smirked as I thought of something crazy. I don't know how he'll react to this but I'm sure its gonna be funny. I leaned in to his ear. "He actually kissed my forehead earlier," I whispered in a teasing manner and pulled away.

His eyes went wide in shock and he quickly slammed the table using his fist. "WHAT?!" he shouted. The whole canteen became silent and I quickly felt all eyes turned to our table, specifically to Vee. He held my shoulder. "What did he do?" he asked me once again.

I had to stop myself from bursting out a laugh. He looks so funny right now. He had his forehead scrunched down and his eyebrows furrowed. "I told you already. He kissed me on my forehead as a sign of goodbye," I said softly so only Vee would be able to hear.

I was shocked when he stood up. "I'm gonna find him. He's dead," he said. My eyes went wide when he looked like he's really going to do what he said. He looked like he's ready to lunge at Mean and punch him. I quickly stood up and grabbed his hand to stop him. "Let go baby," he said.

"Its just a normal kiss Vee. Its not like he kissed me on the lips or something," I said softly. I wanted to slap myself right now. Way to go Mark. I shouldn't have teased him in the first place. I momentarily forgot how he is when he's jealous. He acts like a monster.

"No Mark. He touched what's mine. You're mine," he possessively answered back. I looked over at our surroundings and everyone's eyes are at our direction. They all looked like they're trying to understand what's happening between the two of us. Good thing our voices isn't that loud.

"Vee, stop this. Everybody's already looking at us," I sort of pleaded. I showed him my most pitiful smile hoping that it would work.

He just sighed. "Come with me," he demanded. He didn't let me answer and he just pulled me away. I didn't have any choice but to go with him.

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