Barrier 25

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Mark's POV

"So, did he ask you about it already?" Kan asked me for the nth time this week. He had a teasing smirk plastered in his face which just made me more annoyed at him. He's been pestering me with this question for a lot of days now and I just want to smack his mouth.

I rolled my eyes. "No Kan, he didn't," I answered in a bored manner.

"Its already been three days since we knew about it right? Why isn't he telling you yet? Why isn't he asking for your permission yet?" he bombarded me with lots of questions which made my head spin in annoyance.

"I literally don't know Kan. Can we just stop talking about it?" I demanded sassily. I just got my phone from my pocket and opened my social media accounts to check for some updates and notifications since I didn't want to talk to Kan about it anymore.


After our confrontation with Bone, Kan and I quickly went to the cafeteria since we're both starving and apparently, Vee was already looking for me. I just looked at my phone and he already had tons of missed calls and texts. I didn't bother replying though since we're already on our way.

"What took you guys so long?" Vee asked Kan and I as soon as we approached our lunch table. His eyebrows were already furrowed and he already looked impatient.

"Uh, we had to finish something regarding one of our subjects first before we came here. Its already due tomorrow so we're already short on time. We have no choice but to finish it today," I quickly made up an excuse.

It seems like he bought it since he nodded his head. He patted the empty chair beside him and I quickly sat down there. He pushed a plate full of food. "Here, I already bought you your lunch," he said.

I smiled. "Thanks," I answered and quickly dived unto my food.

"Ugh, you're so mean Vee. You only bought food for Mark. Then how about me? I'm your friend too you know," he said in a pout which made me laugh. He looks like a child that was having tantrums since someone stole his food or something.

Bar placed a plate of food in front of Kan. "He didn't buy you food since I already bought you some. Stop sulking and eat you glutton," he said.

Kan's face instantly lit up. His eyes even looked like they were sparkling when he saw the food Bar gave him. It was because its his favorite food. "Woah, thanks Bar," he cheerfully said. He rolled his eyes on Vee. "Psh. At least he's a good friend," he told him.

Vee just laughed it off and continued eating. "Anyways, Bar, do you already have someone to bring for the seniors ball?" North asked which got my attention. I looked over at him confusedly.

"Ball? Isn't prom not 'till February?" Kan asked curiously.

"This isn't prom. As our adviser said, its like a ball to get all seniors closer together since its already our last year in high school. Every senior is required to go since its like a school activity," Ram explained.

"So Bar, who'll be your date? Since Ram and I will obviously be partners. Vee and Mark too," North asked.

Bar shrugged. "I really don't know yet dudes. I haven't thought about it. Maybe I'll just ask someone later on. I'm not really thinking about it yet," he answered.

"But isn't the ball exclusive for seniors only?" I asked curiously.

"Nah, we already asked our teacher and she told us we can bring someone from a different batch for us," Ram answered.

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