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NEEDLESS TO SAY, [L:N] [M:N] WAS NOT HAPPY, MOVING TO ANOTHER country while he and his classmates were just about to go on a Disney Land field trip? no. he was not happy whatsoever. he huffs angrily and crosses his arms, his mother trying to not laugh at her sons poor attempt of looking mad.

"[m:n], i told you, Japan is great. the school your in doesn't teach anything about hero-ing and its useless." his dad says with an expectorated long sigh leaving his mouth as he drives the car to the airport. "b-but, Disney Land.." [m:n] mutters as he pouted sadly..cutely. his father looks at him through the rear mirror, sighing for the tenth time this morning.

"look, buddy. i understand that you wanted to go to Disney Land but we already went there ten times. plus, the Disney Land in Japan is amazing." his father says in a soft voice, he just can't stand his son being sad. [m:n] visibly brightens as soon as he hears his fathers statement. "really, dad!?" he asks eagerly.

"yes, [m:n]."


"sometimes i wonder if our son really is an angel and that its not just his quirk giving this effect." he mutters to his wife on the passenger seat as she stops scrolling through instagram for a second to laugh at her husband. "your right, but i wouldn't have it in any other way."

a ring of [m:n]'s phone startled the family of three. [m:n] picked it up, confused as to who would call him this early in the morning.

"hello?" the person on the other line said.

"hello? this is baby hotline how may the great [m:n] assist you?" [m:n] says teasingly, though he might have an angel quirk, doesn't mean he can't be a tease at times. he could already tell who was on the other line.


"e-eh! gomen Tsuki!" (no not stingyshima.)

••airplane mode••

"look, [m:n]! thats Japan." his mother gushed, not like she hasn't been here before, she just really missed going here during the summer back when she was still a child. "where?!" [m:n] asks, practically jumping from his seat just to look at the window, his eyes widen and he smiled happily. "wow.." he couldn't express how excited her was to get off this seat and venture out into Japan.

"welcome to Japan." says the flight attendant over the speaker, [m:n] couldn't wait, he fidgeted with his fingers and counted the minutes left before they land. "awe..." the passenger two seats away from them say, in complete awe of how cute you are- i mean, of how cute [m:n] is.

once the airplane came to a halt, which was rather ear splitting and would made you want to rip your ears off. [m:n] immediately ripped the seat belt off of him and stood up along with his parents and a few other passengers since the others had trouble with the seat belts.

"mom, dad! we're here!" he says enthusiastically, his parents only laughed at his behavior, they went to the luggage scanning thing and went outside, being greeted by a lamborghini and the cold cold breeze of Japan.

"hop on." [f:n] says, patting the seat beside him for his wife who was having trouble seeing due to her hair flipping back and fort on her face slightly irritating her. [m:n] only laughed at your mom and helped her tie her hair into a bun.

"so dad, when are we going to Disney Land?" [m:n] asked his father eagerly, jumping on his seat. "next week." [f:n] says calmly, scrolling through his newsfeed and learning more Japanese words from an app. "eh? why?" [m:n] asks sadly.

"because you're going to school at UA."




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