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THEY WERE IN FRONT OF THEIR NEW HOME, WELL IT was more like a mansion then a simple house. [m:n] couldn't help but dash into the mansion in excitement and explore. luckily, he was cautious enough to not jump on the staircase because it was definitely a little bit slippery with the shoes he was wearing.

"mom, look at this room!" he says happily as he pointed to a large office room, [y:m:n] grins. "thats my new office!" she says proudly, though it did look rather bland as of now, they definitely will go shopping for new things.

meanwhile, [f:n] struggles to carry all the boxes he has and has nearly fell a couple of times. [m:n], seeing that his father is struggling, reminded him. "dad, you have a telekinesis quirk.." he says playfully. "Ah! i forgot!" [f:n] says, sheepishly activating his quirk to carry the boxes.

"your getting old dad."


•• ikea ••

"i told you this one looks better!" his mother argued. "but this one is more sturdy!" sneered his father, [m:n] sighs for the 18th time this evening. he had been witnessing his parents fighting over furniture again, but it was pretty nostalgic.

"dad, mom. why not buy this one?" he suggested, pointing at a long dining table that matched the theme of their house. "good job son!" praised his father. "maybe you should try being an interior designer instead of being a hero?" his mother says playfully. "no thanks." [m:n] muttered, eyeing another piece of furniture that would look good in the house.

after a couple more hours, they ended up with a butt load of furniture that matched the aesthetic of the house. picked by yours truly.

"im tired.." [f:n] said, causing [y:m:n] to sneer at him. "we're not even done yet." she scoffed, earning an annoyed groan from [f:n]. "dad, instead of saying you're tired, why not say sleepy?" [m:n] suggested.

"i'm sleepy of your mother's bull crap (i dont think this is a bad word.)."

"[f:n], you know you love me."


"you look like an old married couple."

"we are a married couple! we're not that old."

"urasai [y:m:n]"

"can we go home, mom?"



they ended up going home 3 hours later, with a moving truck following their car and [m:n] happily humming in the back seat as he played with his stuffed animal, why was he so happy? he got all the school supplies he needed.

"shsusnhs." muttered [f:n], to the other two in the car, it sounded like incoherent words, but to him, he was actually cursing out [y:m:n] for buying too many unnecessary furniture.

"man that family is packed with money." says the driver of the moving truck behind them. "yeah but we can't rob them because i dont want to see their son sad." his partner says. "yeah, you're right. it would be much more then a crime."

"glad you agree with me."

"no shit sherlock."

"fuck you watson."



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im sorry mother lol

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