Chapter 19: What About Them...?

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"All of the first-year events for this year's UA sports festival have been completed. And now, we will begin the award ceremony!" There were fireworks everywhere and everybody's cheers were really loud.

You couldn't help but laugh at Bakugo.

He really looked like a scary beast monster... OR a cute but furious king. Oh, shut it, Y/N. He's all over the place, I'm soooooo embarrassed. Also, I wonder if dad's watching. I only got second place... I'm sure he already regretted what he said. I guess I'm not that powerful enough to satisfy him. Maybe I'm just not enough for him at all.

"Now, we will award the medals! The presentation of the medals will, of course, be by this man--" A loud laugh was heard throughout the whole stadium once a silhouette of the number one hero appeared. He jumped from the air while introducing himself.

"Our very own hero, All Might!"

"I have brought the medals here!"

All Might and Midnight spoke at the same time making you confused a bit. He landed in front of you and he started to give all of you the medals. First, he went to Todoroki with 3rd place, "Young Todoroki, congratulations. I assume there is a reason you did not use your left side in the final?"

"I had an opportunity during my match with Midoriya, but then I became unsure of myself. I think I understand a little of why you are interested in him. I wanted to become a hero like you. But I didn't think it would be right for me to be the only one to break away. There is still something I must settle," All Might nodded. That was a pretty long speech.

"The look on your face is completely different from before. I won't ask about the details. I'm sure that you will be able to do what you need to do," All Might hugged him.

After that, he walked to you, "Young Y/N, congratulations. Are you feeling better?" He spoke, "Yeah, Recovery Girl is such an angel," You sarcastically said. He laughed and insisted for you to wear the silver medal. He was about to hug you but you refused.

"Sorry, All Might. Giving me my medal is quite enough, don't you think?" He became flustered but he just smiled it off. "Alright then," He said before heading to Bakugo.

You still haven't forgiven him for what he did even if he didn't remember. No matter what, he was responsible for your Mom's death and never in the world will you forgive him when he killed the only person who took care of you ever since you were born, she took care of you without your Dad accompanying her. All Might was, is, and will be responsible for the death of your mother and for his sin of breaking his promise. A hopeless little girl meant nothing to him when she was desperately asking for help. But he turned her away and chose to betray her. That's not what a hero should do.

You snapped out of your thoughts when everyone shouted, 'Plus Ultra' but All Might said a different sentence. Although, you knew you were not supposed to say that phrase since it was for the heroes, not for the villains. But what are you really? Are you actually a villain?

This is really complicated.


"Hey, Y/N! Can you come with us to the mall?" Ashido asked cheerily, "Mina, I think she should probably rest--"

"No, I'm fine. Who else are coming?" You bluntly said.

"Hear that, Bakugo? She's coming with us!" Kirishima shouted at Bakugo.

Oh, so Bakugo's coming too?

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