Chapter 69: Good and Evil

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"Akane--" You were about to run towards the pro hero who was towered over by the man named Hail. But before you could go, an arm went over your head and grabbed your neck from behind. You thought it was Akira again but this time, it was Raiden.

"Shhh, let my man, Hail, take care of her. Right now, you're stuck with me." He whispered on your ear seductively which gave you the option to throw up.

You gritted your teeth and watched Satoshi grab the little boy from the hair and harshly forced him to stand up. They didn't even just let a little kid stand up properly, what the fuck was wrong with them?


"Shut up or he'll die." You could hear the man's voice from where you were. Just like that guy from where you encountered with in the city, he also had a soft voice. Wait. That is the guy with the soft voice!

"Why don't you just let him go?! You're abusing him!" You yelled from the bottom of your lungs. You didn't want to just stand there and remain captured and of course, never falling for the wild animal's tricks. You wanted to fight, right here, and right now.

"Do you think we care? That boy is the key to our freedom. That boy is the start of the new world of monsters. There's no turning back now, the Alpha has already made up his mind." Kaori spoke coldly while averting her gaze to the purple haired boy.

You followed where she was looking at and you could see the fear in Hisashi's eyes. No, you wouldn't let him become their door to open the world they always wanted to create. You would never let that happen. Monsters are reckless enough to take over humanity.

You furrowed your eyebrows in frustration. It was now or never.

"Hyaaa!" You held Raiden's arm around your neck and escaped his grip as you kicked him in the cock and immediately threw him down. The others' eyes were wide as Kaori eventually turned to the masked man.

"Satoshi! Quick, go--"

You ran to the blonde girl and kicked her hard in the chest while she was giving orders to Satoshi causing her to fall on the floor. With your Mystokinesis, you created a sword and harshly stabbed her in the stomach just to make sure she doesn't get away anymore.

Akira headed to you and was about to give you her usual killing session but failed when she suddenly hit some kind of shields. You turned to her and gave her the smirk that's been hiding inside you.

"Those are force fields, sweetie." You spoke the same way she did when she got you. This time, it was your turn to take them down. There was no time to be weak, you had to go Plus Ultra no matter what.

"You little--" She was about to land a hard punch on your stomach but before she could get any near to you, you made loud sound waves like those from Jiro's. She covered her ears until blood came out, you eventually punched her in the face making her fly up in the air and landed to who knows where. Just like what happened to Nomu back at the USJ.

"Hey, you're feisty. I love it." You spun around until E/C orbs were connected on scarlet red ones.

"Shall I have this dance?"

You smirked when he offered you a hand to start the dance battle that you were having. You gracefully placed your hand in his palms and watched as both his fangs and tongue revealed themselves to you.

"Sure." Before he could do his first strike, you used superhuman strength and raised him in the air with just one hand. You moved your hands in a circular way as if you were having a dance party and when you felt the right timing, you threw him away before he hit the metal wall.

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