Day 1 (00:03-02:21)

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Oh my gosh, can y'all believe it? It's a Christmas miracle! A promise made is a promise kept, even if I'm running late on it.

Anyways, here's the new update that I totally haven't been procrastinating on doing at all haha...

I know it's short, but I've been hopping from chapter to chapter whenever I get writer's block, so hopefully once we get through the first 4 days or so, the pace will pick up ultra fast.

Hope you enjoy!


MC locked the apartment behind her and headed outside to catch a tram. For the rest of the night, she was planning on moving as much as she could from her old apartment to this new studio suite. Honestly, she couldn't have been more ecstatic about it. The new place was absolutely stunning. On top of that, it was a lot closer to where she spent most of her almost non-existent free time.

When she got off the tram, she headed straight for her landlords' room. She knew the older couple would still be awake, so she knocked gently on their door.

"Annyeong haseyo," MC said when the woman opened the door.

"Come in, honey. I'll make you a cup of tea." MC obliged, and sat at the table. "What is keeping you up this late tonight, young one?"

"I had work until late-"

"That think tank," she interrupted, "always holding such brilliant young minds hostage to the slavery of work."

MC stifled a giggle. She didn't want to come across as disrespectful. Still, the elderly woman's comment rang a bit too true. She never outright told her where she worked. MC knew it was safer that way.

"Mae-yang, I know they work you too much. Alas, that's not the reason you came to see me tonight, is it?"

"No, halmeoni. In fact, I come with an interesting story."

"You know I always love to hear them," she smiled, setting a piping hot cup of tea in front of MC. "Go ahead."

"Well, I joined a fundraising association this evening. I'm going to be their event planner, I think."

"That's wonderful news!"

"I'm honestly a bit excited for it. But, there is a catch."


"The head of this organization would like me to live in a different area of town. Specifically, Jongno-gu."

"That's quite the upscale from here. You couldn't get an apartment there for less than ten million won. Are they providing you with a place to live, or do they expect you to pay for it out of your own pocket?"

"Don't worry, they already have arranged a place for me to stay. I went and checked it out after work. It's quite nice."

"Good. Then, I assume you're here to collect your things?"

"Yes. I'm going to try to get everything moved over tonight. I don't think it will be too much trouble."

"Of course. Do you need a ride there? Besides, I'd love to check out where your new place is."

"Only if it's not too much trouble."

"For you, dear, nothing is too much trouble. Let's get you packed."

She went to her old studio and collected everything that was hers, from the sheets on the bed to the art prints she hung on the walls to each plate and bowl in her cupboard. As promised, the elderly woman drove her back to the new apartment. When they parked, the woman gasped at the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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