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                              Chapter 2

The following morning Ann woke to the constant ringing off her phone,and to her surprise she had somehow manage to fall asleep ,without doing one off the most important things she had set out to do. Leave a message to her mom.

Her mother's concerned voice bombarded the phone as soon as she open the line,and she had to spend the first few minutes of her time awake listening to her mother rant about how worried she was.

"Mom I'm fine ,Ann managed to make clear ,pleading her case for the third time, silently chastising herself,for falling asleep and forgetting to leave a message telling her parents she was ok.

"Sweetheart I know you're ok. Toya informed us,but we -- I was worried sick" her mother reiterated been her usual over dramatic self.

"I was so tired that at some point I fell asleep,I don't even remember ending the conversation Toya and I was having over the phone yesterday" ,Ann explained

"Ok but next time ,please....I was worried sick,".she pleaded as her voice cracked over the phone'

" Mom I'm fine,".Ann repeated once more,trying to console her mom.

"I know,but it's just that I couldn't stop worrying or feel at ease untill I've heard your voice."She explained

Ann was the Apple of her parents eye,and even though she was at the ripe age of twenty seven,divorced,successful and independent,for her parents ,notably her mom she will always and forever be their baby girl ,in which they always took the time out to be protective off.

Even through her Rocky divorce her mom was by her side head and tail,like they were Inseparable twin sisters,checking up on her ensuring her 'refridgerator was well stocked ,her house was well cleaned and she was well fed ,and of course to top it all off spending hours listening to her whenever she needed to vent.

At Times she would go to work leaving her house in disarray only to return to a clean house,freshly prepared and stocked meals that could serve her for more than a week and her mother's concerned but understanding face.

She would always feel so bad about worrying her mom,and at times went as far as threatening her mom that she would take back her key which would end in her mother asking who the hell was better than her to take care of her one and only daughter.

"How's dad she asked , successfully changing the course of the conversation as her mom calmed a bit.

"Well you're dad is being his regular stubborn self,spending his days sitting ,watching some random sports channel instead of walking more often like his doctor recommended,He's even begun to refuse to take his medication these days,maybe you should talk some sense into him.

"Are you going to talk about me,as if I'm not here,for Christ sake I've walked enough" she heard her dad chimed in the background.

"Dad what's going on ?".Ann questioned ."Dad we just spoke about this few days ago,and you promised you would at least try to corporate more,and I expect you to keep your word." Ann declared as her mom handed her dad the phone.

"Of course I've been taking my daily walks,but your mom feels as if my daily exercise is not good enough". Her dad complained.

And what is this I hear about you refusing to take your medications?".Ann pressed not easing up untill she had addressed the situation with her father.

"I'm Bloody tired of constantly taking those blasted pills,day and night ,that does nothing more than make me sick." He protest.

" Dad I need you to be taking your medication properly everyday and on time like your doctor requested. Dad this isn't the first time we spoke about this".Ann reminded him,feeling frustrated and at the same time worried.

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