The Ball

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Hey guys, I am back and I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters that I am going t post for this story.

Timeskip(because I am lazy)

The ball had started, you could see everyone having a good time. And soon everything stops, why? Because of who just walked in. It was none other than Shuichi, one of the most handsome men in town. And as soon as he walked in, our poor Tora found herself being dragged over to him by her friend.

"You made it, I am so happy," Suyoko exclaimed. "Let me introduce you to my friend. Tora, this is Shuichi my friend since high school, Shuichi this is Tora."

They both looked at each other and no one could mistake the look in Tora's eyes. It was the look of pure hatred, she didn't know why but something set her off about this Shuichi guy and that was enough to be suspicious about him. The ball when on, and later concluded one girl completely captivated by Shuichi, while her friend held complete disgust and disinterest."

".....AND CUT, that raps up the ballroom scene, next we will be doing the fighting scene between Tora and Shuichi. Go change out of your costumes and meet me on set," The director instructed.

Both Kyoko and Ren walked off set and went to their dressing rooms.

"Why can't this day just go by faster, it is so slow," Kyoko stated as she stepped out of her dressing room.

"Well, if your going to complain then you shouldn't have signed up for this job." Kyoko turned around and it was none other than Ren Tsuruga. She didn't want to deal with him at the moment, so she ignored him and kept on walking toward the set.

"ahhh...there you are before you guys start this scene, I would like you to officially meet the other female co-star you both will be working with." The director said.

And out she walked towards them, she was in her regular clothes about to leave set for the day since her scene for today has already been shot.

"Hi my name is Seana, it is officially nice to meet you too."

"umm.....yes, It is nice to meet you too, you are so talented and I am excited to be working with you," Kyoko said bowing slightly.

Seana laughed, clearly amused by the young girl antics.

"She isn't wrong though," Ren said finally speaking up, "it is great to be working with you and I hope we can get along and make this movie a success."

"Of course, I would love to stay and talk but I have to go to my next movie set for the day, see you two tomorrow." And with that, she walked out but not before waving to them which was returned by Kyoko.

"Okay, now back to the current situation at hand," the director said grabbing back their attention........


Well, I hope you liked today's chapter, stay tuned for more.

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