"Gomen, Tsukki..." - tsukkiyama angst (2)

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tw in last chapter

word count - 535

Two weeks after the sleep overs, Tsukki and Yamaguchi had their own. Yams brought over his new CD. Love, Simon. No, Tsukki didn't know it was a gay movie, until they watched it. Tsukki stopped paying attention once he knew it was one. Yamaguchi kept trying to hold Tsukki's hand, but Tsukishima would always pull away. It wasn't until hours later when they were playing a board game that Tsukishima finally mentioned something. "Yams. Lately, you've been acting strange, especially since we joined Karasuno. Is there a reason why?"

Yamaguchi laughed to himself - "Just loving the way the new school is! Maybe Hinata's behavior is rubbing off on me!" Yams giggled. Tsukishima had a cold face. "Hopefully not. Have you seen that hyper shrimp?" Tsukishima laughed. Yams just looked to the ground, "How long are your parents going to be out of town?.."

"Three more weeks, they'll be back soon."

Yams gently grabbed Tsukki's hand. "Can we sit on the bed? I need to talk to you about something.." Yams gently said. "Uhm, yeah," Tsukki nodded.

They talked about what it was like growing up with eachother. Yamaguchi softly hinting to his feels, and Kei not getting it one bit. "You know, there are gay couples around us everywhere." Tadashi chuckled softly. Tsukki gave a small disgusted look. "I wanted to tell you, I think I may be gay." Yams covered his face, Tsukki held his chin, looked at him with a soft, less judging face.

"Well, that's okay. Just as long as you don't crush on me," Kei sighed. Yams didn't say anything.

"You don't have a crush on me, right, Yamaguchi?"

"Since middle school," Yams got up, "you're always going to be my number one, Tsukki," he walked over as Tsukki was backing away. "I want to grow old with you," Yams got closer. "I want to cherish, nurture, help-" he tried hugging Tsukki, then--

"Get away from me!" Tsukki yelled, pushing Yamaguchi into the wall, away from him, using all his strength and then watching him fall onto the ground. Yams rubbed his eyes, "Tsukki, please listen-" he shook and saw the small cracks against the wall, standing up again, trying to get over to Kei. Tsukki couldn't bear to hear his voice any longer. Yams grabbed his shoulder, and Tsukki slammed him against one of his dressers. Yams didn't get up after that. It took a minute until Tsukki finally stepped forward, but Yamaguchi was already on his way out. "Wait, Yamaguchi-"

"Gomen, Tsukki.." Yams held his arm, then tripped and fell face first onto the ground, bruising his poor, soft, sensitive, beautiful skin.

"Fine! Then leave out those doors and don't ever talk about me, or to me! Ever again!" Tsukki yelled, throwing stuff at him. A picture frame hit him in the back of his head, and Yams started walking away, coughing out flowers, leaving a trail of petals while he walked away. Blood spilled from in those flowers. They were Tsukki's favorite color.

Tsukki grabbed the frame. Seeing Yamaguchi and him holding fishing rods, smiling brightly. Tadashi Yamaguchi. His stars.

"Gomen, Tsukki.." he repeated to himself while sulking into his room.

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