"Loves me, loves me not. ." KAGEHINA ANGST! HANAHAKI DISEASE

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Kageyama picked a flower while he sat with Kuroo. "Chibi-Chan and Kenma are best friends, though. I don't say anything about it as long as it doesn't interfere with mines and Kenma's relationship~!" Kuroo laughed while biting some of the bacon he had off his plate. "Yama-kun, you're very quiet. What's up?" Kuroo asked while he stood up with Kageyama as they walked out to the benches, a more quiet area where less people were. "How hard was it confessing your love to Kenma?" Tobio held his own knees to his chest while he stared at the beauty of the flower and the way it had such gorgeous detail.

"He confessed to me at the same time I did. Honestly, I used the loves me or loves me not thing for my confidence. Maybe you should try it if you're gonna say something to Chibi-Chan," Kuroo grinned.

"Loves me, or loves me not. . ." Kageyama gently said to himself with the tip of his cheeks screaming blood rush and rosy pink cheeks.

He walked around the building, picking petals gently and hoping it will land on "loves me". Tobio turned the corner while picking the last petal, seeing Kenma's lips and Shoyo's colliding. A deep, affectionate kiss. One that seemed too passionate. It wasn't a friendly one. It was a French kiss. A strong one. ". . .Loves me." He finished with a petal falling to the ground and Kenma seeing them, Shoyo freaking out and Kenma has panicking as well. Kageyama shook in fear.

"Tobio-Kun-!" Shoyo yelled while falling to the ground, trying to follow him while he ran away. Kenma helped him up, spooked that they'd finally been caught.

Kageyama ran away to his house and tripped over stuff on the way, Suga tried following to ask what the problem was but got lost half way. Kageyama did leave a trail of orange, beautifully detailed petals, though. The whole way there, his eyes kept opening in a shakey way whenever he had to stop for a deep breath. Tobio busted the door open to his room and punched the wall. His palm then slapped something and he felt more of the pain occurring in his arm where the veins were.

He picked up a photo framed of Hinata and him, smashing it against the ground where his Karasuno jacket lied. Letting out a loud, dreadful scream. One of regret and deep anger.

"As long as i'm-" screamed through his head.

"Shut the fuck up!" Kageyama yelled.

"You're the strongest-" it yelled louder.

"I don't need you!" Kageyama screamed until he felt like he couldn't go any higher, kicking the window and seeing a window bust open. He turned to his open door to see Sugawara and Shoyo standing there with afraid faces.

"What-?! How did you-?!" Kageyama coughed up more flowers - he was trembling. "Tobio-Chan, please take a deep breath-" Suga said gently while getting closer. "Get out! Get out, Hinata!" Tobio screamed while throwing yet another framed photo at his head, Suga pushing him down to help him avoid the frame.

"Kageyama-Kun! You're acting ridiculous! What does mines and Kenma's relationship have to do with you, anyways? Why are you so angry?" Shoyo screamed while staring into Kageyama's lifeless, cold and petrified eyes. They were life threatening. Scarier than when he was angry.

"Because I love you! I don't care if you're the reason Kenma is cheating- I wanted you! Ever since we met at that bathroom in middle school, the feelings only get stronger because I want you!" Kageyama saw the petals drool out of his mouth, terrible eyes and a pain deep in the gut.

"Ka..ge.." Shoyo went to him slowly and got on both knees before holding his chin ever so gently. "I didn't know.." Shoyo caressed him with gentle, loving touches. Sugawara came closer, knowing something was gonna happen.

"I love you too."

Kageyama looked up.

". . .That's what you thought I'd say, right? I could never love someone like you. You're the reason Kenma is hurt and scared right now. No one would've found out unless you didn't go telling Kuroo how you felt and finding us. You're never going to be my type, Tobio." Shoyo didn't make one mistake or hesitate once saying anything. Suga couldn't move fast enough to stop Kageyama slapping him so hard it left a few marks. But the touch was stinging. Strongly.

Kageyama took heavy and fast breaths. From a personal experience, Suga knows that would end horridly. "Kageyama! Please stop-" He couldn't stop Kageyama from choking on a full flower with thorns. He ran over and tried pushing his palm on his chest three times then blowing into his mouth while Kags was loosing consciousness.

"Kageyama-! Please-!" Suga kept trying until the blood finally came pouring out his mouth with the flower responsible of his choking death.

"He's-?!" Shoyo yelled.

"..The flower thorns scratched his insides and he's bleeding eternally. He's growing thorns inside his body, inside the lungs and all around the neck. This only happens after you're dead." Suga wiped tears off his face.

"Tobio-!" His sister screamed as she ran in, violently shoving Shoyo while grieving over her dead brother.

"Kageyama—!" Shoyo Hinata screamed one last time, realizing that this was his fault and he can't change what he said nor did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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