Chapter 1: Sisters

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"Asa, stay where I can see you!" I shouted to my little sister as she ran around the forest. "I don''t want you getting into any trouble!"

She stopped and looked at me. "What trouble?" She asked.

"You know exactly why kind of trouble. Dragon trappers! Bears! Snakes! Dragons! Humans!"

"But Raven, aren't we humans?"

Her question took my breath away, almost offending me, but I took a deep breath and told her: "No! Humans are the bad people that killed Mommy and Daddy!"

She put her head down, almost like she was about to cry. Her long black hair fell in front of her face so I coulden't see her sobbing or not. I had forgotten she was extremely sensitive she was and regret yelling at her, saying what I said, and now felt quite guilty. I walked over to her. "Come here." I picked her up and she rested her head on my shoulder. She was crying. Her tears were now soaking my sleeve.

"Raven," She whimpered.


"...How old were you when Mommy and Daddy died?"

"I was 9."

"How old are you now?"

"I just turned 13. Why?"

"Because I wanted to know how long it's been since they died."

"It's been almost 5 years, Asa."

"Was I little?"

"Yes, very little, barley a year old."

"Is that why I don't remember Mommy or Daddy?"



By the time we got back to our cave, it was dark and Asa had fallen asleep while I was carrying her home. I gently placed her head on her pillow, and pulled her blanket to her chin. She was so cute, she always was. Her personalty as well as her looks matched a Night Fury. But Asa wouldn't be able to change into dragons till she turned 8. I knew it would be a little scary at first, it was for me to. Of course when my village found out I was a Shifter, they had my parents executed and me and Asa were sentenced to death too. But I was able to get away, and flee to Thornbrook, where I am now. I raised Asa, and I'm like a mother to her. Everything was going some-what good for the first few months, until we met the not-so-friendly dragons, and ran into trappers, who have been trying to catch us ever since. It's dangerous outside of our cave, and I try to keep Asa inside as much as possible. But who am I kidding? Nothing, no one, and nowhere is safe! Our lives are one big trap, if we trip over one wire...we're dead.

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