olaf ♡ dino

117 6 6

Kairi's POV ☆•°*

"I hate you" Mattia says to me..

My heart broke hearing this so i told him the truth..

"I never told you this, but i have liked you sinced 6th grade, i don't want to lose you.."

Mattia's jaw was wide opened.. I knew he was straight and would never fall for me.. As long as he is still my best friend i will be fine..

°'buzz, buzz, buzz'°

Mattia needed to take a phone call.. i left him alone..

Mattia's POV ☆•°*

¡Incoming Phone Call!
My Baddie

□ accept □decline

✅ accept


"Hey, Cynthia, what's up?" I said.

"You want to come over for a party tonight?" Cynthia said.

"Sure," i said.

"Okay bebe see you later" she said.

¿Open IMessage?
□ yes. □ no.
✅ yes.
searching for...
My Ol| 🔍

automatic suggestion
My Olaf 💕❤ 🔍


You :
Hey Olaf 💕

My Olaf 💕❤ :

You :
Want to go to Cynthia's house?

My Olaf 💕❤ :
For what?

You :
Oh it is a party i guess.

My Olaf 💕❤ :
Sure, can I ask more people?

You :
Of course 💕

My Olaf 💕❤ :
Okay 💕
read at 3:37 PM

•°Close IMessage¿?°•



☆•°Let's just say Kairi is going to get a boyfriend soon...°•☆


"wow i was actually dating a snake.."1

In LOVE with My Best Friend ☆Mairi☆Where stories live. Discover now