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This book is listed as ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

All rights reserved meaning -
You do not allow your work to be used or adapted in any way without your permission.

(Can't use my stuff w/out my permission = illegal if you copy it)

What is a copyright infringement?

Posting the copyrighted works of others without their legal consent.

Posting on behalf of an author and giving credit to them. This is still a violation of copyright and will be treated the same way. Consent is ALWAYS required from the author.

Adaptations or slight alterations to a work, such as changing names, copying the events and writing them in your own words, changing character point of views, are a violation of copyright.

Using an image that you do not own. This includes making a cover with an image that you do not own the rights to (unless it is in the public domain).


1.) If you want others to read the alternate book you've made with my permission and that it doesn't look copied you may ask while asking permission. So I can shout out your username


2.) You can't make a alternate book about this without my permission. Please PLEASE ask me in a private chat or comment "Chat in private, please" of you don't know how to start a private one.
I will agree, if you tell me what you are changing AND adding. Trust me I will not get mad. Just please tell me. I just got to make sure that you aren't coping me. I have the "all rights reserved" in all my books I make.


3.)If i do give you permission, please credit me and this book in the description of your book where people can read if you are quoting or saying a scene that i did so they would understand.


4.) Be nice to others in the comments. No fighting, hating, correcting others, etc. I am not your mom and you aren't four year olds.


5.) No spamming or making two separate comments. You have to reply your own comment so i have less trouble reading what other might request my permission or have a question. If you don't know how to, just click the arrow to respond to your own comment. I will show an example in the comments.


6.) If I give you a sneak peek to apologise. Please do not spread it to everyone since you might spoil it for them if they like surprises.


7.) I won't be shipping people who aren't in a real relationship, basically no Bryan x Molten or Lefty x pickles.
The real ships are Lefty x happy Frog, ballora x Ai Afton, etc.


One of you broke it... I won't name who, please fix it unless it gets serious. I will list these rules in every book if i have to.

If anyone sees some of my books being exactly copied or copied with a few extra word that doesn't belong please tell me immediately.

List of people who have permission of mine and you can visit that is related to this book-

None currently.

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