Cherrybite- Miss forbidden 1

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Gordon Calzone <8bite


11:50 pm, Tuesday, April 24th, Bridgeton PD, New Jersey

He could have been at home hours ago. Almost all the desks in the precinct were empty, apart from the night shift staff and a few officers to man the phones. On the whole, it was quiet. At the other end of the office, Sgt Forsythe had fallen asleep on his paperwork about half an hour ago and nobody had batted an eyelid. That was just the attitude in the office at this hour.

Assistant Chief Gordon Calzone couldn't pull himself away. There would be no peace even at home, for the voice on the tape would still haunt him. 

He'd been on the case of over seventeen missing girls for the past three months. None of them had been found and nobody knew if they were alive or dead. Nobody knew where they had been taken or whether they were even still in the country. Some were going with the natural conclusion that they were dead, some speculated that it was a new wave of sex trafficking although that seemed unlikely; trafficking usually worked with foreign girls being kidnapped and brought into the US, not the other way around. Calzone himself preferred not to speculate, it was too depressing.

Of course, now there was this tape. The tape which he hoped was not the answer to everyone's questions. 

Putting headphones on, he played it back to himself one more time, perhaps the thousandth time. The sound of Miss Nichols' voice was so calm and professional, oblivious to what was about to happen to her. The man's voice, low and gruff, was emotionless. His New York accent was slurred and cocky, talking about his abominable deeds as though he were describing a casual trip to the grocery store.

Gordon had to keep in his mind that this might not be related to the other disappearances, especially the disappearance of his niece which had been reported only a few days earlier. This could all be a hoax, another crazy crawling out of the woodwork to take credit but it was difficult not to picture, whilst listening to the tape, this guy doing all the things he was describing to Emily. It made it very difficult to focus.

He stopped the tape halfway through and put the headphones back down on the desk. He didn't see himself going home tonight. 

How long did he have until the next girl was snatched? How many daughters would go missing before he stopped this madness?

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